Yesterday I wrote of being planted near God's River of Grace. In thinking of that, I consider myself to be like a tree--either bearing much fruit or needing to be cut down because I do not bear fruit. I found this wonderful tree last year, and I love the image of it--weathered, knotted knarly, twisted but still enduring.
I wonder if I must look something like this to you, Lord. The shape of my life having been formed by events, circumstances and situations. Some of which I chose and others I did not choose but merely happened. Some of the choices wise and some not. I wonder if my life is intertwined with those of others so that we are essentially one, as are the separate branches of this tree, now indistinguishable as separate things. And even though this tree is far from any water, I hope wherever I am planted, I am near your River of Grace.
Actually, I know I am planted near the River of your Grace because of the many blessings you have bestowed on me. You have shielded me from the results of many things in my life, mostly poor choices, so that even if I end up knotted and knarly, I am still alive and hopefully, producing fruit for the glory of your name. Perhaps if nothing else, I am as interesting to look at as is this tree.
Thank you for this day, my God and King. Thank you for the blessing of family members who have come to visit this weekend and for the joy of loving them. Forgive me for the anger and jealousy I feel towards friends. Please bless them according to your will and grant me the special grace I need to overcome this jealousy of their relationships. I am trying to be more like you but I so often feel as if I get farther from you.
My Sweet One--
I do love you and forgive you your many failings. I have purchased you with my life and you are precious to me. Do not fear. We will overcome the temptations which trouble you. Do not fear to bless those whom you find yourself in conflict with. I know you think that asking me to bless them will only give you further cause to feel jealous of them, but that is not the way it works in my kingdom. As you bless them you are granted the special graces you need to overcome your jealousies and fears. There is nothing to fear in their relationship. It does not detract from your relationship with them in any way. What I have granted to you is yours and no one else may claim it. You must believe this and take joy in it. Do not fear. I am with you and for you. I will vindicate you.
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