I am looking forward to this time of Lenten preparation for your resurrection, Lord. I have been trying to get this offering done for several years and have not yet succeeded. I am hopeful I can do better this year, making myself more ready for you than I have been for quite some time.
I feel called to fast and pray in addition to making a sacrifice and this year you have been telling me loud and clear to give up television. I pray that I be granted the strength to succeed in this sacrifice. It is difficult because my husband doesn't practice lenten sacrifice. He would never think of giving up television. At least not yet. But I am letting my television viewing habits get in the way of You, my Lord, and the time we spend together. So, I will "sacrifice" my television viewing time.
My gift, though, will be to write daily in our journal, Lord. I hope to accompany the writing with photos and will use photos I have taken on our walks. I pray that we will be able to touch someone in need with the sure knowledge of your love and care. I pray that my gift will be precious to you and loved by you, used by you.
My Child--
You are so sweet to me. I do truly love you beyond anything you can as yet believe. You are precious to me and so will be your gift. You need not worry yourself with how or when I will use it. If you give it in love I will be able to use it. In previous attempts, you have sought glory and acknowlegement for yourself. What you do need to focus on is getting the job done. You have started off very well each Lent, but as Easter draws closer, your focus shifts away from me and accomplishing that which I ask of you and that which you have desired to give me. You then suffer needlessly when you fail to do that which you desire to do. I love you and want to help you with this.
It will truly be a Lenten Journey and you will document it as we go. Be not afraid for I am with you. I am for you as well, so do not let the world rov you of the victory you have won in me and by having me as your friend and savior. I love you.
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