Oh, Sweet Jesus and Blessed Mother! I thank you for your many blessings, Lord and for your motherly love and intercession, Blessed Mother.
It is so hard to watch the pain our children undergo. Because you suffered along with your beloved Son, Blessed Mother, and showed me how to love my children by also suffering along with them, I thank you.
I know that sometimes their pain and suffering is meant to bring them closer to you. I pray that they will recognize that You, dear Lord, are the Way, the Truth and the Life and turn back to you.
I also know that the minimal suffering that myself and my children undergo is nothing compared to your suffering or the suffering of your other children.
Yet, this is where you have placed us and what you have given to us to endure and work through.
So I pray that I might have the wisdom of Solomon in speaking to my children of Your love, knowing which words will speak to their hearts. I pray also for the power of the Holy Spirit to be in my words that I may speak mightily to the needs of their hearts.
I do pray for the gift of working miracles in their lives as needed, so that we may rejoice in Your love.
I pray also for the tenderness of a mother that is often needed to console their breaking hearts.
I pray for the salvation of their souls and trust, dear Lord, that you do hear my prayers and that you will do whatever is best for each of the beautiful children and grandchildren with whom you have blessed me.
It is so wonderful that out of suffering can come so much beauty and love. A paradox.
Similar to the paradox that in dying an agonizing death on the cross, You brought about the way to eternal life.
Ah, Lord. I thank you for I do feel your hand guiding me along the way you would have me go.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
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