Thursday, March 09, 2017


Today I was able to stop by the church and spend some quiet time in the Real Presence of the Lord.
I began writing in my journal and then heard Him asking me to review a previous entry. It was from a year ago...almost to the day...and it contained almost verbatim the same words I had intended to write today.
Wow. I don't know if I am not progressing on my spiritual journey or if He wanted to reassure me with His response to my concerns? Remind me of who I am, who He wants me to be and to continue the work He has in mind.
Then, Fr.'s homily seemed to answer the questions of my heart. The reason I fail is because I have not surrendered totally to God. 
I think that is a correct assessment, even though it probably was not directed towards me personally..or perhaps it was. Perhaps it was the answer from God via Fr to me about why I am failing to do His will..or what I perceive it to be.
Oh yikes. Please help me to surrender totally, my Lord and my God. Please bless me with the grace of total surrender and dependence on you so that I might be who You want me to be.
I ask this in Jesus name. Amen.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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