Tuesday, March 14, 2017


Today is the day when my prayer partner of 20 plus years and I spend time in worship, prayer and conversation with the Lord.
We meet at the church and spend time before Our Lord in the tabernacle, His Real Presence in our lives and in our hearts.
It is always very peaceful and so often are our prayers answered during this time of love and worship.
For a brief period of time, our concerns are put aside, or surrendered, and He reveals himself to us in marvelous and many ways. The clarity of His love for us and for the concerns of our heart is so crystal clear. Upon leaving His Presence, our lives are once again obscured with the sufferings and difficulties, shallowness and vanity of ourselves.
But, having experienced the clarity in our weekly prayer session, sometimes that Real Clarity peeks through and enlightens our lives and worldly concerns.
Thank you, my Lord and Savior for the wonderful Oneness we experience with you.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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