Tuesday, March 07, 2017

Changing my focus

In my spiritual readings this morning, I realize that I am far too focused on myself and not on My Lord, with whom I walk into the desert of fasting and self denial.
Lord, you are the focus, not myself and as I look towards you and listen to your voice, the darkness of fear and discouragement begins to fade.
Please be with me this day as I once again take up my cross and follow you into the desert.

I understand now that the food and internet addictions are a sign of my hunger for You.
Those things are not satisfying, so I must continue to consume them, always in an effort to gain fulfillment.
Instead, I consume empty calories and waste the precious time you have given me. 
I ask your forgiveness and grace to do better tomorrow.
I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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