Wednesday, March 01, 2017

Ash Wednesday, 2017

As we begin Lent with the solemn day of abstinence and fasting required by the Church, the words of the priest today struck a chord with me.
He said that this time of purification and self denial is a gift from the church, so that we might enter more deeply into intimate communion with the Lord.
Although I have always considered Lent to be penitential, I have never given too much consideration to the purifying aspect of intense prayer and fasting.
I hope to improve my fasting skills as Lent progresses and I hope to be able to enter more fully and more deeply into full communion with the Trinity and the angels and saints.
My Lord and My God, please help me in whatever way I need help so that I might love you as truly as you love me. Amen.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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