Last night, after reading my meditation for the day on Marian consecration, I decided to watch tv and my choice of a program left me feeling depleted and just icky.
It is a drama about computer hacking and it was filled with drugs, profanity, sex, including homosexual acts and just criminality in general.
I don't normally watch such garbage and I was reminded why today. It is humbling to see how easy it is to be drawn into such a sinful lifestyle of accepting this type of television programming as normal.
The thing is that it seemed like a very compelling drama at the time and I watched multiple episodes. The first episide started off much milder in content than the last episode I watched. It just kept getting incrementally worse and it wasn't until I realized how horrible it was to subject Blessed Mother to such content that I was able to turn it off.
It filled my heart, mind, body and soul with unacceptable toxic waste and deprived me of grace. Forgive me, my Lord, for subjecting You and Mary to such sin.
So, this morning, my daily meditation verse included this quote and it really spoke to my sickened heart:
"But when you keep night vigils, pray, read, and sing psalms and hymns in honor of God and His saints, or when you fast and abstain from wrong-doing, assist your neighbor, lament, mourn, and weep over your sins, confessing them and asking for forgiveness, then you perform works of the Holy Spirit".
~ Thomas a Kempis, p. 91
An excerpt from Bountiful Goodness.
And also this one:
"No one, however weak, is denied a share in the victory of the cross. No one is beyond the help of the prayer of Christ."
— St. Leo the Great
So, God is answering the questions of my heart, mind, body and soul with the inspired words of others.
He also included practical advice on how to surrender completely everything to Him.
This inspiration came from Dynamic Catholic and was on offering to God every hour my work of the hour and offering it on behalf of an intention of my heart.
So, on one hand, I discovered how easy it is to fall into the pornographic culture ravishing our country and our families. It's as easy as watching one slightly off color tv show that progressively gets worse and worse.
I was given the words of Thomas ^A Kempis and St. Pope Leo III as medicine to offset the sickness I felt after watching this show.
And I have also been given the way to total surrender..a beginning.
All I have to do is enact the advice God has given me.
Thank you, my Lord for your kindness and understanding and forgiveness.
Please help me to become who you want me to be.
Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.
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