I don't know what to think about a family member who insists on pushing her views on me.
We are polar opposites. She is liberal, new feminist, pro-abortion, pro-euthanasia, a supporter of alternative lifestyles, Democratic supporter, atheist.
And we have no interests in common, except for a shared ancestry.
She insists on sending me emails in which she berates and belittles me. I have tried all approaches with her. I have presented my views and beliefs in logical and polite terms. When that doesn't work, I have belittled her views (to my discredit) and I have ignored her emails completely, not even reading them.
She #persists, she #insists, she #resists and I am assuming she is attempting to #enlist me in her worldview.
Those are the new mantras of her idol, the beleaguered Hillary Clinton.
For my part, while I initially tried to "convert" her to a more Christ centered worldview, I long since have decided that it's her choice. She chooses as she does willfully and in full control of all her faculties. She knows what she chooses.
I don't think of her as evil, although I do believe evil has subverted her worldview, deadening her to the Spirit life that once resided within the temple of her body.
I pray for her and pray also for myself, that I might withstand the constant barrage of emails and evil therein.
I pray for humility and patience. I have stopped myself several times from just cutting her off. I don't think I am supposed to shut her off completely. What if I am the only way she might have of reaching out to the Lord when the time comes?
I don't know if I can help her but I hesitate to shun her.
Lord, I give her to You. Bless her according to your will. Amen.