Sunday, March 18, 2018

Dying to self

"The cross teaches us that we, like Jesus, give as much to others in our passivities as in our activities. When we are no longer in charge, when we are beaten down by whatever—humiliated, suffering, and unable even to make ourselves understood by our loved ones—then we are undergoing our own passion and, like Jesus in his passion, have in that the opportunity to give our love and ourselves to others in a very deep way."
—from The Passion and the Cross by Ronald Rolheiser, OMI

Oh my Lord! Please help me to love with the kind of love you have for each one of us.
Please let me rejoice in the plan you have for me and in the plans you have for the lives of others. Even when those plans conflict with my plans...especially when those plans conflict with my plans.

Please help me to die to self today and to live each day in the present moment.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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