Saturday, December 30, 2017

The Gift of Heart Consciousness

"Compassionate love, shown in kind deeds of mercy, can speak a language of its own when no other means of communication is possible." ~Fr Andrew Apostoli, "Walk Humbly with Your God"

This quote closely resembles the kind of heart to heart talks that I have come to realize are my particular gift from God.

I have spent alot of time during my life trying to dissuade myself from the reality of this gift. It first came to me when I asked God to allow me to show someone what true love is, because I couldn't express it.

The Lord gave me this gift and I went from wildly ecstatic when it manifested itself perfectly to disbelief when it didn't. 

I have busied myself with other duties and chores for my Lord, but those have lacked the power inherent in having heart to heart conversations with those whom the Lord gives me to love.
They also lack the joy and delight from recognizing the Lord in these conversations. 

So, this year, I asked God to help me unpack the gifts I have been given and to use them for His glory. I asked this through the Christmas Anticipatory prayer which begins on the Feast Day of St. Andrew and concludes on Christmas eve.
I had no expectation of what the gift(s) were or how it would manifest itself.

So, imagine my surprise and delight when the gift of having true heart to heart conversations with those I love was reaffirmed.

It has been described elsewhere as heart consciousness. 
Lord, show me how to show kind deeds of mercy to those in need of compassionate love, deeds which You make known to me through our heart to heart conversations.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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