Tuesday, December 05, 2017

A Spiritual Toolbelt, Advent day 3

I was so disappointed in myself for my failure to upload my Advent day 2 reflection yesterday. I started it, saved it as a draft and even took a photo to accompany it...then just forgot to finish and didn't remember until the middle of the night. 

Today's reflections:

"The Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him." ~Isaiah 11:2

Jesus had all the gifts of the Spirit that today's first reading from Isaiah mentions..the same gifts that we receive in the Sacrament of Confirmation:

"a Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, A Spirit of counsel and of strength, a Spirit of knowledge and of fear of the Lord, and his delight shall be the fear of the Lord."
~Isaiah 11: 2-3

A reflection in "The Word Among Us" notes that these gifts are not merely abstract gifts, but practical gifts that fill our spiritual toolbelt so that we can navigate life.

I found that reflection interesting because as I am praying the Christmas Anticipation Prayer of St. Andrew, I have been praying that I be open to receive whatever gifts God wants to share with me and know how to use them.

This seems to answer that prayer already by letting me know that I have already received the best gifts of the Holy Spirit but need to use them in my daily life. More reflection needed on how to do this.

The other interesting reading today was on
today's Saint...Saint Sabas, known as the father of Eastern monasticism. 
He, as so many early spiritual leaders, lived in a desert cave while practicing prayer and penance. He became a priest and went on to found many monasteries.

Sometimes I have thought being a hermit would be a welcome refuge from life's travails. Surely, these devout and holy men and women utilized to the best of their abilities the tools in their spiritual toolbelts. 
What would living "in a desert cave" look like today?

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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