Monday, March 31, 2014

True friends

I have always considered myself to be a true friend to those people I call my friends.
It hurts when they don't reciprocate. Or maybe their definition of being a true friend is different. I don't know, but I do know that the pain I feel being "betrayed"by a "true friend"is some kind of awful.
This has always been a sure way for me to identify with Christ, for He, too, was betrayed by friends.
Judas, of course. But also by Peter who denied even knowing Him.
I wonder if much of the agony He felt was from knowing He would experience this essential rejection of everything for which He had lived His life. By people who loved Him and whom He loved.
I am not the best person in the world and I do have many faults and failings.
Yet, I ask Jesus and His Blessed Mother to pray for me that I might forgive those who have injured me by betrayal. People whom I considered to be my friends,  but who hurt me by not being the friend I needed.
I guess maybe I need to be granted the grace to love them for who they are and not feel betrayed when they don't meet that need.
Today's photo is of Vedauwoo.

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