Friday, March 28, 2014


I don't know what it is about neediness that brings out the bully in me.
But, tonight I realized that I can be and therefore am a bully.
Lord, have mercy on me for this horrendous trait.
Blessed Mother, please pray for me that I might overcome this terrible trait.
Please ask our Lord, your most holy and merciful Son, to pour out blessings of love and kindness on those towards whom I direct my bullying.
Because I have asked for and received an exchange of Hearts and minds and wills with Blessed Mother, I ask that you heal the wounds I have inflicted by such smallness and meanness of spirit towards those whom I love the most.
Please grant to me the graces I need to become a more loving and kind and merciful person.
Today's photo is of clouds hovering over the mountains while a brisk breeze blows across the water.

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