Sunday, March 09, 2014


Today as I was taking my dog walking, white rocks seemed to catch my attention.
The thought occurred to me that they were like breadcrumbs leading me to my destination.
My destination. What is it? Where do I want to "end up?"
Years ago I used to have a vision of a fantastically beautiful valley.
I was up high, looking at a viewscape that was so wonderful, it still makes me catch my breath when I recall it.
A river wound through the mountains and I could see incredible distances.
The light was ambient, colorful.  Growth and health seemed to be everywhere. It was peaceful, but so alive I could almost taste it.
As I looked across the valley, I knew I had to journey through the place I was viewing. To get to a place where I was loved and cherished.
But traveling through it was going to be challenging and difficult.
Even though the beauty was astounding, the journey itself would test and try me.
Perhaps it could be likened to the journey of Jesus into the wilderness. Except that I have succumbed to temptations and failed those I love. Hurt them and failed them, just because I was human.
I am still on that journey, following the breadcrumbs left by Jesus as I make my way toward him.
He has healed the hurts and made right the failures. Thank you, Lord.
Lord, always let me recognize the signs you leave me so that I can find my way to you.

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