Monday, March 10, 2014

Heart to Heart conversations

I have been remembering spiritual places I have been.
It seems like a travel-log of the journey I undertook and described yesterday.

As I headed down from the lofty heights from which I viewed my far-off destination, I began to experience God in different manifestations.

One day it struck me that the silent conversations with no one in particular that I was having were truly  heart-to-heart conversations!


The wonder of that knowledge literally dropped me to my knees and I was filled with such joy.

The thought that such a thing was possible filled me with incomparable delight!

I wanted to run and share such delightful news immediately with the one with whom I thought I was conversing.

I recognized God as part of it, but I thought the conversation with another's heart was actually being held with a person of my acquaintance. God had gifted me with the ability to speak with another person via our hearts, silently. Or so I thought at the time.

I have come to realize that it was actually the heart of God with whom my heart was speaking.

Let me repeat that. My heart was actually speaking to the heart of God.

Ok. Anyone who has experienced this would probably identify it as "interior prayer. "

It was so sweet, so sublime that I long to taste it again.

For as I continue on the journey, I sometimes wander into areas of dryness and drought, instead of the rich fertility I viewed from afar.

Don't get me wrong. The rich fertility is still there. I have just wandered into a dry patch and must continue on the way so that I can find the sweetness again.

For when I was truly having those heart to heart conversations I was experiencing life as lived to the full.

I have come to realize that getting there again will take discipline and obedience.

What was once gifted to me so freely now has to be earned.

Let me rephrase that. I think the gift is still there, but I must now delve a little deeper and work to increase my understanding if it.
I must discover what God wants me to do with such a wonderful gift.

Before, in my ignorance, I thought it was just for my pleasure.

I didn't have a spiritual director to guide me in the proper development of interior prayer.

Lord, please guide me as you will,  that I might reach the place you have selected for me.
Thank you for your many blessings.

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