Tuesday, April 01, 2014


I seem to have hit a wall in regards to my Lenten observances.
When I so wanted  to offer a good and beautiful sacrifice to the Lord in praise and thanksgiving for His dying for me, I have botched the whole thing.
And then there is the consecration I made to Blessed Mother. It should be transforming my life and yet I feel that nothing has changed.
So, I am doing something wrong. Please help me, Lord, to know what I need to do to find favor with you once again.
My sweet child. Your heart is in the right place, even if you poorly execute your best intentions.  Do not think that my Son or I ever give up on you. We do not. You have much to learn about obedience and discipline.
Keep working on becoming more obedient and more disciplined as you thank and praise.
All will be well. Trust me and trust my Son. We both love you deeply snd tenderly. We desire that you should reach perfection.
Today's photo is of cloud cover on Kennaday Peak.

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