The first day of Advent dawned cold. The air is crisp with cold, but with no wind to diminish the warmth of the sun, today is a day of winter splendor.
I began the journey with a walk on this day, snow crunching under my winter boots. As I neared the field where I frequently walk and take photos, a plane droned overhead causing me to look up. A few more steps and I chanced to view the cloud formation hovering in the sky awaiting my notice. It was an inspired moment, one in which I stopped and recognized that it is God hovering over me, loving and protecting me. Being my friend and giving me such gifts as this moment to so astound my heart and soul.
I am so excited to be working on this gift. What wonders may arise from such moments I can only imagine. But as I was walking along, I became inspired to take photos of a proposed nature route. I feel I am being asked to do a power point presentation on the proposed route, laying out the conditions as I view them. So in that moment of simple obedience when I snapped the photo of the clouds to the moment of downloading when I wasn't sure of my choice of photos and had it selected "automatically," I find that God was hovering over me, guiding me where He would have me go. He also gave me a project to do while he and I journey this Advent. I find the whole experience wondrous and delightful.
During Advent we are encouraged to prepare for the coming of the Lord, and it now seems to me that it will be much easier to do this if we spend the time together so that we know one another. I will find Him in some moment each day and try to reflect something of what I have discovered about Him in my writings this season.
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