Hello my Lord and Friend,
The thought today is how I learn to handle your generous blessings to others and not feel jealous? It seems so silly to me at times that I on the one hand ask you to bless and help people I know and love and then when you do, I feel somehow cheated that I have not been given the same blessings.
This is something I have struggled with for quite some time.
I feel you are testing me when this happens. I ask you to bless someone because I am havng trouble with them for some reason or another. You do bless them and abundantly and generously and then I am miffed because you pour your blessings out in such measure as to make me somewhat envious. I wonder if they would have recieved the blessings if I had not asked and so ponder not asking you to bless them.
I also think that maybe this allows me to be a part, although just a teeny tiny part of your plan. If the blessings are poured out because I do ask, wow!! That is awesome and makes me want to go around blessing people all the time, or at least most of the time. I guess my problem here is that I struggle with those people and when they are blessed so abundantly I feel slighted. I know I must work on this to be truly your disciple.
I haven't had a chance to get out and get anything photographed since Sunday, so I am using pictures from my collection.
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