Friday, December 15, 2006

2nd Friday of Advent--Angel wings

My husband went with me tonight to see the movie, "The Nativity." I liked it very much and he didn't mind it. It brings to life the story of my Lord and why we are celebrating this season. I have so much to do to prepare but many of my preparations seem so worldly. I must try to focus on the reason for the season as the popular saying goes and prepare for the Lord's coming... in my heart and mind and soul.

I picked this image to include with this day's writings because it reminded me of an angel--wings spread and watching over me and my husband as we enjoyed the spring day last year. It was a delightful day and we had gone to a high mountain reservoir so he could do some fishing. While he was fishing, I was photographing things around us and this one picture didn't seem to stand out then, but it did today when I was looking for a photo to include with this day's writings. Thank you, Lord, for that day and also for this day. May I try to accomplish what you would have me do.

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