Friday, December 24, 2010

Last Day of Advent, 2010

Small cabin in wintry forest
"Salvation has to do with life overcoming death. It is a full life, not just cringing existence scrabbling bleakly among the rubble of fear and guilt.
This life is marked by freedom from enemies like bitterness, resentment, and past hurts. It is a life free from self love and self-centeredness. All this is yours because in his compassion, God has made his light to shine on you. And that is the light of Christ, who was born on Christmas Day."--The Word Among Us, Dec. 24 reflections

This is such a perfect answer to my woes of yesterday. I was being so selfish and self-centered, taking hurt where none was intended.
After I thought about it for awhile and went out and saw some people, I did email my son and tell him how wonderful I thought it that he had been blessed with so many generous and thoughtful gifts. It was kind of interesting because when I was out, I immediately began to feel better. I saw so many people and tried to smile and give them love in my heart, even though I didn't say it out loud. I did wish as many as possible a "Merry Christmas." So when I got back, I emailed my son and it was one-half snarky and one-half sincere. But at some point, the Lord took the snarkiness away and made it sincere.
It was as if He told me, "This is the best they can do." And I felt my bitterness and resentment just melt away. Thank you, Lord. That was a wonderful Christmas blessing. I eagerly await your coming.
Forgive my selfishness of yesterday and please pour out your many blessings on my son and his family; on all my kids and their families. Cleanse my heart of anything not pleasing to you so that it will be a fit dwelling place for You. Thank you, Lord.

You are overcoming those tendencies in you to take hurt or resentment or bitterness and let it ruin a very special time. Do away with all hurt in this matter. I love you beyond belief and will continue to love you. Open your heart to receive my many blessings and you will not be put to shame. You are precious to me and I love you very much. Pause today to remember my Coming.

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