Friday, December 03, 2010

The Father's Generosity, Advent weekday, Friday, Dec. 3

Thank you, Lord, for the generosity this day of the bidders in the auction. My husband's donation brought in $875 and he was pleased. Overall, the donations of many people and organizations raised over $9,000 in donations.
Lord, this Advent day, I thank you for the gift of your Son. If we are generous, it is because we learned it from you, our generous Father, who went so far as to give him most precious and holy son, Jesus Christ. As we were talking tonight during the auction, I realized that there were some things I would with hold from auction because those things are precious to me. Yet, you did not with hold the most precious thing,,,your son. Help me to be as generous and loving as you, Lord, my God.
And please forgive me if I have hurt anyone by my opinionated self. Let me fix that Lord and come to know how to deal with disagreements in philosophy without hurting anyone.
Let me also be fearless as the two beggars in today's Gospel were fearless, following behind you, asking to be cured, regardless of what anyone thought or even of reprisals from you. Let me be as fearless in proclaiming your love as they were.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus on our parish grounds
Sweet Child of Mine,
I love you! I love YOU!! I am the Lord and God of the Universe and I LOVE YOU! Do not fear anything. You are my precious concern. All is well.

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