Today my husband and I took a Ride-About...something similar to a walk about, but its done in a pick up truck. We had a glorious day for our adventure and the first thing we spotted along the way was a group of antelope.
A herd of antelope were watching us, wary but not too spooked. |
We continued along the way, taking this two track road or that two track road, but looking for the main road because the two tracks were not headed in the direction hubby wanted to travel. Nor me, once I realized that I was the official gate opener. But, eventually we came to a power line, which has a road running along side it and it took us to the road on which we wanted to be.
As we were traveling along, I asked my dear husband to stop so I could practice my photography skills and he was very generous in this regard, He stopped whenever I asked so I could snap photos of whatever intrigued me.
The first of my photos was taken of antelope. Those magnificent creatures that can run at 60 mph for a good while.
The sun, snow and color of the rock caught my eye. |
The next thing of interest we came upon was this incredible rock formation. I think the brightly shining sun and the snow both contributed in making this rock formation an interesting photo.
Two cow elk and a calf crossing over a ridge |
A herd of elk with interstate traffic and mountains in the background |
So, on we went and we were treated to a wonderful view scape all day long. It was a delightful day...hardly any wind and the temperature was in the low 40s, so it was comfortable. We saw probably about 200 elk. Most of them were too far away to catch with my camera, but I did manage to get a few photos. Here's one of three elk just about to cross over the top of a ridge. They were definitely spooky. All of the elk we saw today were keeping a wary eye towards us...they evidently knew where the roads were and just how close we should get to them before they bolted. There's a late hunting season still on-going in this area.
On we went, driving up roads we knew would dead-end at the ridge line, but taking the road just to see what hidden treasures might be found. Amazingly, we saw no rabbits or coyotes out today and both of us thought we should have seen plenty of both those species, but no luck.
A golden eagle on the hunt |
As we passed under another rock formation, we saw these two golden eagles come swooping in and are they incredible birds.
Come to think of it, maybe that's why there were no rabbits out. Ha.
On one of the roads we traveled up, we did manage to get over the top of the ridge line...just to get stuck in a huge snowdrift at the top. Hubby spent some time shoveling us out and I took photos of another group of elk. In this photo, you can see the interstate in the distance with trucks traveling along the route. In the distance, a range of mountains.
This eagle soared above me showing off his beautiful markings. |
After getting us unstuck, we turned around and came back the way we came in, although hubby told me that if I wasn't there, he would have tried making it through the drift and continuing on along the way we were headed. He deferred to my strong desire not to have to walk anywhere, an event that has happened more than once since we've been married. It was a wise decision. We managed to get back through the snowdrift, albeit with chains on the front wheels and got back to the main road. We could have spent a lot more time traveling up different little two track roads but these roads had been frozen when we came in and as we headed back, it was apparent that they were turning rapidly into a muddy mess, so we opted for home.
It was a fantastic day spent with my husband, just traveling around the country side on a sunny winter Advent day. I thank God for such an opportunity to share in this magnificent creation with which He has blessed us.
What a wonderful Advent blessing you bestowed on me today, Lord. How can I repay you for all your goodness to me? How is it even possible to repay One who can create such beauty and magnificence?
My child,
Share what you know of me..yes. Take photos and tell the stories of my blessings. I long to shower such blessings on all humankind. Tell them to pause and enjoy such beauty. My blessings are there for all and I yearn for each soul. Praise me and share my love with all.
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