Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Behold! The Christ

Thank you, Father, for giving us such a wonderful gift--your Son. Thank you for all the blessings you have poured into my life. Thank you for this world and my place in it. I give you my all, dear Father, that you may use me as you will.
This morning as I was struggling to awaken from the night's sleep, I envisioned myself in my local church for Christmas Mass. As the priest was about to begin the homily, it seemed as if I floated right up to the alter and bowed low before the infant Christ child. Then Mary and Joseph were there and Mary offered to let me hold the newborn Lord.
What an honor it was to be able to sit there, holding our Lord while Mary and Joseph looked on and angels were singing. Everyone in the church beheld the newborn infant and many came forward to bow low before our God.
As I was sitting there, I stood and proclaimed to all who could hear, "Behold the Christ." It was an incredibly powerful half waking dream and I didn't want to get up or give the Child back to his Mother.
Thank you, my God for this vision. I pray that I may be courageous and bold enough to proclaim you at all times and in all events.
Thank you my sweet one for all the praise and worship you give me. Continue to worship and praise and be not afraid, for I am with you. I love you. Go in peace.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Winter arrives

Winter Arrives
Although this picture is from last winter, today's weather looks very similar. The temperature is below zero without the wind chill factor. With wind chill, it's probably -10 right now. The wind is making it bitterly cold, but it's winter and it's acting like a "normal" one again.
For so many years, we have had a drought and not much snow or cold, so it's nice to again have the snow and cold. The extreme cold does a number of things that, not surprisingly, are important to the ecosystem.
On to other things--Lord, two nights ago you roused me from my sleep to say my prayers and meditate on your coming. Before you completely rousted me out of bed, I had a half-waking vision of what it is you want to give me and it brought me such joy that I could not have stayed in bed if I wanted to. It was a delightful vision of the friend you wish me to have in you and to be to you and others. I arose with delight and joy to do as you asked me and said my prayers and was so anxious to start the day and do your will.
I did not interpret it correctly, however, and the way I expected the vision to be manifested did not happen, but the sense of joy I was left with did not diminish and I will truly be yours forever. I pray that I may someday fill you with such joy as you have allowed me to experience.
Thank you, my Lord and God for coming among us as a human and for showing us how life is supposed to be lived. Please bless me with what I need to do your will and to show my joy to others.
Dear sweet child--
Of course you bring me joy, especially when you arise from your warm bed to get up and pray because you hearing me ask it of you. I wish you would pay more attention to me so that you could be so obedient all the time. That is the gift I wish from you, a better and more perfect obedience. You will truly experience joy and delight at what happens when you are so obedient and I wish to give you that joy and delight in return. So, please try to pay more attention to my wishes throughout the day and to do as I ask you. Go in peace, my love.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Advent Joy

Looking East at the Sunset
We had been out riding our ATVs when we viewed this sunset...looking east. When we looked west, it was magnificent also, but I was struck by the resounding beauty of the sky in this picture, a muted reflection of the brighter sunset to the west.
Thank you, my Lord and God, for the beauty of this day and for all the days you have given me. I thank you for sending your son to save us from our sins and I eagerly await the day when He will come among us once again.
Lord, I am so sorry for my attitude of the past weekend. I once again slipped into such a mental state of anguish over past grievances. I felt once again vulnerable and abused. But, you, my Lord and God have saved me from those things and I am sorry to have fallen back into that trap so easily.
Lord, you take such wonderful care of me that I cannot thank you enough or praise you enough. You have been such a Savior to me and I am often so ungrateful for all you have done. Lord, I thank you and praise you for saving me once again. Help me to focus on you entirely and not to fall into the traps being set for me. I can see now how you were guiding me and how you allowed me to do as I thought I should. I thank you for the was perfect and I thank you for the circumstances where I could go in and do what I had said I would do. I thank you also for allowing me to know of the timing of the card sending. I sent it before the call but I don't know if my friend knows that.
Lord, I am not sure why it had to be resurrected at this point in time unless it was because it was something that was hurting me so badly I could not go forward until I got it out. And the reaction since that time has been as it has always been...a rejection of me and my gifts as if I were a leper.
Lord, I am so thankful not to have to do that again. I pray for the strength to leave it here, leave it alone and continue on my journey with you. Guide me, Lord and lead me where you would have me go.
Oh my dear one--
It was so precious to me to have you run to me as a small child, jumping into my arms for protection and solace. I love to have you with me in that regard. I love it when you are vulnerable and come to me for protection. I am delighted with the classy way that you have handled this whole thing. Do not fear what might be said of you...we know that the person to whom this is directed will speak ill of you. Do not fear what others to whom he speaks will think or say of you, for they are blinded by his accusations. Go forward, pouring your love and forgiveness into the situation, as I pour it into you. Yes, all the blessings for this person have been procured by your prayers for him. You indeed have been a true friend to him while he has not been a friend to you. Do not fear. Whatever friendship you need can be found in me. I am delighted that you now feel you can pass on the blessings and not anguish over what might have been. Trust me. You are where I would have you be and I look forward to guiding you to further adventures. You are mine and I will deal with any injustices against you. You go on loving and laughing and fear nothing or no one. I uphold you and defend you and cherish you. Go in peace, sweet one. I love you.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Suffering for Christ

Canadian Geese
I think we have a flock of resident geese here. These and more can be seen swimming in the river daily.

I have allowed myself once again to be taken in by a friend--well, I am a friend to this person but the gift of friendship isn't returned.
I feel like sobbing my heart out right now because I allowed myself to forgive the person for past hurts and thought we might move forward. But the friendship is one-sided and not appreciated, so I have to once again try to rid myself of all the doubts and anguishes caused by my desire for a friendship.
I apparently misunderstood your will in this matter, my God and King. I thought the impulse to send a birthday card to this friend was from you, especially when I received a call from the person asking me to do a favor.
Why did I let this happen again? How can I get over the urge to bawl my eyes out over this and most assuredly, how can I get past it again?
Can you help me out here, Lord? Please heal me once again from the hurts caused by this person and help me figure out how to move past it once and for all.
Oh dear child--
I love you beyond measure. I hurt with you in this matter. I know how you wanted to reach some type of reconciliation with the person or at least have this person recognize your friendship. It is a valuable gift, even if it goes unrecognized. Do not despair over this and do not let it set you back. You know I have given you a new mission and a new work. Focus on that and on me.
You sent a card that opened yourself up again, that allowed you to be vulnerable and you feel this gift was shunned. You do not know this. You think perhaps the person has been ridiculing you for your vulnerability. You do not know this, either.
All deeds done in love, as this deed was done, will not go unrewarded. Do not be afraid to open yourself up to the pains of loving and of friendship. People will disappoint you and this person has shown that he will disappoint you more than most. Keep on loving and keep on being a friend to these people. I stand at the door of their hearts knocking and I am so often shunned and hurt, as you were. Do not let it stop you. Give the matter to me and allow my loving power to serve as a balm for the hurts you suffer.

My God, I thank you for the peace you have rendered unto my soul over this matter. I now know why the timing of the whole thing happened as it did--it was a gift to me so that I would know. The favor was asked before the person knew I had sent a card, so it had nothing to do with what I said in the card. And the idea to send the card did come from you--as you told me it did when I sent it. Not for him, but for me, that I might put closure to the terrible pain I had suffered. All the rest of my silly imaginings are just that--my silly imaginings. I do thank you once again, though, that I am out of there. How much more I appreciate that this day than even when I asked for it last year. I love you and hope to become a powerful tool in your hand, to do good. I might sometimes get hurt, but I will trust you to take care of those hurts and not expect too much from anybody.
Dear sweet one--
When you suffer for those you love, you are taking up your cross and following me. I did ask you to send the card. You did as I asked and did so lovingly and prayerfully. If there is mocking and ridiculing because of this, I will deal with it. You have done as I asked you. The outcome is in my hands. If you must suffer ridicule and mocking for the sake of love and friendship or for me, am I asking too much of you?
Stand tall and go forward boldly. You follow a victorious Christ. There is nothing for you to fear. I am at your side and I do guide you and guard you. You are precious to me, little one. Be at peace. I love you.

Monday, December 08, 2008

Feast of the Immaculate Conception

An Advent Sunset
The sunsets this time of year are phenomenal. It seems as if every time I look out the window there is another breathtaking example of God talking to me.
I actually took several shots of this earlier and the colors weren't so vivid. I couldn't believe it when I looked again and it was even more stunning than the earlier shots---which now seem rather unexceptional.
Thank you Lord, for sharing such beauty with me during this time of reduced sunlight and cold temperatures.
Last winter, it seems as if all my photos were of white as it snowed and snowed and snowed. This year, at least, I have had so far numerous chances to photograph the beauty of the evening skies. Thank you.
Today is the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and as I was pondering this feast day, it came to me....conception. That is when God considered Mary alive and a unique person. It was an answer to the skeptics who often point out that "no one knows when human life begins." Except you kept Mary free from original sin from the very beginning of her life...starting at the moment of conception. And this answer came to us many years before we had the technology to confirm that human life does indeed begin then. I cannot understand how people can look at a tiny infant in the womb and say it is not a human life. I just don't get it.
But I thank you, Lord, for this insight. You kept Mary free from sin from the moment of conception so she could become a worthy temple for your Son. Thank you for that.
As I was reading the Gospel, I also for the first time realized it was Mary's innocence that made her question, "How can this be possible for I have had no relations with a man?" She wasn't doubting...only asking because she didn't understand. The angel showed tenderness in responding to her query and Mary showed us all how to be disciples by responding as she did.
Thank you for the gift of Mary and Jesus, almighty Father.
Precious one--
Thank you for your obedience today. Thank you for listening to the still small voice that guides you. Practice listening to this voice so that I may always guide you as I guided you today. I love you and cherish you. You are protected and empowered by me. Do not fear. Go in peace. I love you.

Friday, December 05, 2008

Secret Insights

Ducks on the River Ice
The resident duck population outside my window amazes me as they seem to snuggle upon the ice. They just sit down on the ice or snow and tuck their wings in, looking like they are snuggled down for the night. They are so funny when they come begging for the cracked corn we put out for them daily. They fight and bicker among themselves, running over each other and shoving to get the best or most. It reminds me somewhat of the maddened shoppers on Black Friday who were so anxious to get the bargains offered by a store that they took the hinges off the door and then killed a man by trampling over him after he had fallen down. How very sad.
Today in the Gospel reading for Mass from Matthew 9:29-31, Jesus has healed two blind men after asking them, "Do you believe I can do this?" and they replied yes. So he told them and I'm paraphrasing because I can't remember the exact phrasing that they "will be healed according to their faith." And then he admonishes them to "not tell anyone."
As I was reading this and pondering your words in my heart, Lord, I had a couple of thoughts. First was that I wonder if the blind men would have received their sight if their faith had been less than they led You to believe and that is why you healed them "according to their faith." I guess my thoughts were if you had asked me the same question and I thought you could heal me, but also had some doubts, would that have affected the final result? For example, if I believed you could give me partial sight back but not 20/20 vision, would I only receive partial sight--according to my faith--or would I get the full benefit of your healing and get perfect vision?
And the other thing that came to me while I was pondering the message is that you often admonished the people you healed not to tell anyone about it. But they all did, according to the Gospels.
Knowing human nature as well as you do, did you tell them not to speak of their healing knowing that human nature abhors keeping secrets and usually no one keeps quiet? It would be humorous if you did so, knowing that this testimony would spread like wildfire, much more so than if you told them to go out and spread the good news? Does that make sense to you, my Lord?
Good Evening my sweet one--
You are much blessed and I love you so much. Thank you for making the effort to write daily and to reflect in your writings on the daily Mass readings. Faith has everything to do with the answer to prayers and if you believe in me and in what I can do, why would you limit that with only partial healing? According to your faith, you receive the answers to your prayers. Meditate on your prayer requests and my answers to those to get your answer to that question.
As to the other, you have asked to know me better and to love me better. What better way to "spread the good news" than to tell humans not to speak of it? It works better than asking them to go out and evangelize, wouldn't you say? It is an insight into me and my knowledge of the human heart and mind and soul that I granted you because you asked. I love you and wish to share my life with you. This is an insight that theologians probably wouldn't ever give you. You are precious to me. Enjoy this gift. I love you--go in peace and share my secret with all who read your writings.

Thursday, December 04, 2008

A Wintery Advent Day

Although this picture was taken last March, the weather here has been pretty wintry. Last winter was long, cold and very snowy. We rely so much on the snow pack that accumulates in the mountains for our summer activities, including growing hay to feed the animals that ultimately feed us.
Many people complain about winter, but if we didn't have it, we could have no summer and the water necessary for our lifestyles.
I thank you, my Lord and my God for the snow you send to us. Please send us as much as we need to survive the coming summer and I thank you for your bounty. You are an awesome God and know what we need so much better than we know it ourselves.
I went to the doctor with my friend Pat on Tuesday. She is concerned about an increased tendency to forgetfulness and dementia. I pray for her that it is something that can be addressed medically.
As we prepare for your coming, Lord, so many people are already celebrating what they think of as the "holiday season." I will strive to let them know, in all I say and do, that this is Advent, a time of preparation for your coming and that the Christmas season doesn't begin until Dec. 25 and lasts until the Feast of Epiphany.
It is difficult, though, because as a business owner we are obliged to support the local community activities, most of which involve lights and decorations for the "holiday season," rather than a more subdued preparation time.
So, while we must prepare for Your coming, we must also do some decorating and celebrating. I hope you don't mind and that I don't lose sight of the "reason for the season."
My child--
My followers must be strong enough to stand against the tide of secularism overrunning your country. You must find a way to express your belief that this is a time of preparation, similar to Lent, and that undue and excessive celebrating and merrymaking should be reserved until the coming of the King. Pray much for the guidance of my Holy Spirit in this matter and He will guide you as to what you should do and say. Do not be afraid to stand against the tide. My Spirit is strong to help you when you wish to stand against anything not according to my Will.
Go forth now and think of some way that you may resist the impulse to begin celebrating Christmas before the Feast of the Nativity. Do not be afraid. I love you and will guide you.

Monday, December 01, 2008

Thanksgiving and the beginning of Advent

Majestic Colorado Rockies
I took this while we were in Colorado visiting the kids over the Thanksgiving holiday. On Friday, we visited the famous Mt. Lindo which is home to the cross you can see on the mountain sides above Denver. It also is home to a cemetery which I had no idea about and it is quite astounding, both in the you can see...and in the peacefulness that accompanies being at 10,000 feet.
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving and I do thank you my Lord and God for the wonderful family you have given me. You have blessed me mightily. Thank you for seeing my son safely home from Iraq for his two week leave and thank you for seeing my daughter and her family safey through the crazy holiday traffic.
You are an awesome God and I love you and thank you for so many things. Help me to get back into my routine, especially now that Advent has begun. I would like to give you something special. What would you like, my God? How can I repay you for all you have done for me?
My sweet one--
You are precious to me. I wish you would speak of me more to your family. I know they see you and your faith as a strength and if you would remember to speak to them of how you feel about me, I would dearly love it. It would give me a opening to be more active in their lives. I know you are saddened that they have chosen to not be active in their faith. Keep on praying for them and speak to them of me and we will see if we can bring them back into the fold.
As to what I would like you to do for Advent...I would like you to do whatever you would like to do as long as you do it consistently. Speak to me, read of me, anything that you would like to do in this time of preparation for my coming, but do it in a consistent manner, not hit and miss as you so often do. I love you. Go in peace, sweet child.