Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Praise and Thanksgiving

I will bless the Lord at all times. (Psalm 34:2)

There are such blessings being poured out upon mankind during this Easter season, and I thank you, Lord, for the many blessings you grant to me and also to the whole world.

I am fascinated with prophecy, especially end times prophecy. While I don't know if we are nearing the end times, it certainly seems that things are coming to a point where "something's got to give." 

The number of blasphemous attacks upon our Lord and His Blessed Mother as well as the Body of Christ--His disciples--grows daily it seems. 
With each new attack, our consciences become just a little more numb to the atrocities and it seems we slip further into the abyss.

Yet, there are still causes and reasons for praise to our Almighty God. We trust that You are able to bring good out of even the most horrible atrocity, Lord. And we thank and praise you for that.

Oh my Jesus! Please save us as things grow increasingly godless and demented. Please don't allow us to slip away from Your loving mercy and grace. Amen.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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