Saturday, April 15, 2017

Holy Saturday

Today is a day of preparation for tbose of us who celebrate Easter tomorrow and that is how I have spent this day.
Working with my precious daughter to prepare a meal for our family, cleaning and cooking, we discussed our differing views on how things should be done.
It was sometimes tense because we seemed to be butting heads on everything, but it ultimately doesn't matter because I love her with the love of Christ and I pray daily for her salvation.
As I do all my children and grandchildren. I pray for them because I fear they do not realize how serious a matter it is that they have left the church and God for their worldly concerns.
Ah, my sweet Jesus, as you redeemed the souls from Hades this day, please grant to my children and grandchuldren the grace to live in Your love and find their way to You through the blessings and mercies offered through the Catholic Church.

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