Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Being Loved

I had an epiphany today about change.
I have struggled with many things over the years; smoking, drinking, eating, procrastination. But, when I  want to get past one of my addictions, it has always come much easier when I want to get beyond it because of love.
When I feel the love of God in my life and in my actions, the struggle to overcome seems so much easier.
I want to be free of things that separate me from the love of God and I do so much better in practicing disciplines that help me to overcome when I feel the love of God.
Thank you, my Lord and my God for loving me and filling me with such joy.

The one difficulty I seem to have is in maintaining the level of certain knowledge of Your love and how to get past the things that separate me from You.
It can be so easy to fall back into old ways and old habits and lose the sense of being loved and cherished by You.
Please grant to me the grace to keep this sense of love and joy.
Thank you.

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