Monday, April 24, 2017

Gifts of Divine Mercy

The thought occurred to me today that blind obedience as I understood it the other day, complete trust, is similar to trusting Our Lord or Our Lady to know what's best.

For example, I often offer prayers for my specific intentions or for the intentions that Our Lady deems most important, trusting her to apply whatever value there is in them to where the need is greatest.

Of course, I think the real value in doing so is that she then takes my puny offering and dresses it up, so to speak, so that it is more worthy.

In this light, I am able to view blind obedience as something good rather than something horrifying as it first sounded to me.

I consider this insight to have been a gift of Divine Mercy as well as the gift of spotting the blooms on the cactus. The gift of the Blessed Virgin Mary is also a gift of Divine Mercy.
The Lord is so good to me and I give Him thanks and praise for everything He allows in my life.
Thank you, my Lord. Amen.

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