Thursday, April 10, 2014

Failure on all fronts

I have failed at all my Lenten sacrifices.
My own disobedience in choosing to watch television and consume sweets is of major disappointment to me.
I read where St. Augustine called such desires concupiescence. Doing what I don't want to do in spite of knowing that it is morally objectionable.
Maybe not in and of themselves, but morally objectionable for me. Because I intended to give them up and I didn't do what I vowed.
I also realized that because I have consecrated myself to Blessed Mother that I have sullied her with my miserableness and disobedience.
I must go to confession and try to break free of these ingrained addictions.
Oh, my Lord. Please forgive me and help me to be who you want me to be.
Also, please forgive me for the disrespect I have shown both you and your mother. And our Father and the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for the second, third and numerous other chances you have bestowed on me.
Today's photo is of the Holy Family. Statuary in our parish church.
I will try to finish out Holy Week in a manner worthy of You.

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