Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Easter Season Blessings

I am so blessed and happy to be sitting here in the Presence of Christ, my King and my God.
Thank you, Lord, for allowing me to come into your Presence.
I pray for all those who do not believe. I pray that because you have poured Your Grace out upon the entire world that some who don't believe may come to believe.
I think of St. Thomas, who was insistent on disbelief in Your Resurrection, how You have used that throughout the centuries to help those with doubts. Thank you for helping all of us who doubt.  I am so loved and blessed these days.
Lord, please guide me today to show Your love and Mercy to someone who needs to receive it. Help me to recognize You today in someone.
I also thank you for giving me the words to answer my atheist cousin. Please continue to inspire me with the words You want her to hear. Thank you for restraining me when I am tempted to answer her insults and bias in a similar way. Help me to speak words of wisdom and love to her words of hate and bias.
Lord, please bless my friend who wants to be in full communion with You, but is prohibited because of her civil  marriage. Please help my sons with the same thing.
Today's photo is of the Holy Tabernacle of Christ.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Divine Mercy Sunday

What a wonderful day. Not only it the second Sunday of Easter, it is also Divine Mercy Sunday.
Today also was the historic canonization of St. Pope John XXIII and St. Pope John Paul II.
Almost 1 million people attended the historic event with Pope Frances presiding and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI in attendance.
What wonders God has wrought this day.
Thank you, Lord for all your gifts, but especially the gift of your mercy.
Today's photo is the Divine Mercy image.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Seeing Christ

An Easter meditation I read was about how no one who initially saw the Resurrected Christ recognized Him at first.
It urged readers to try to spot Christ some where in our day.
Later, I was having lunch with a friend and we were discussing the less desirable personality traits of a mutual acquaintance. It wasn't right and we both knew it, or should have known it.
Something happened during that conversation, however, that I later realized was Christ manifesting himself.
A different  mutual acquaintance came up to us during lunch and asked who we were talking about because our conversation seemed quite animated. We joked and said "why, you. Of course. " He laughed and went back to his table. Nothing seemed to "hit me" yet.
When we were leaving the restaurant, he was leaving at the same time and asked something similar to "had we finished dissecting whomever we were talking about?"
This time it did hit me. I didn't feel good about the conversation, even though I certainly can find enough reasons to "justify" myself.
I very clearly heard the Holy  Spirit speaking to my heart, telling me that the friend who commented on our conversation was Christ, letting me know that He wasn't happy with our conversation. We didn't listen to Him the first time, though, so the harsher words the second time were for me. I heard Him say this: "You should not have been speaking about one of my beloved children in such a manner. "
As I have been pondering the words that I heard clearly in my heart, I know them to be true and I am sorry for the offense I have given to our Lord. I ask for God's mercy upon my soul. Please help me to recognize You sooner, Lord, especially when I am displeasing you so that I don't continue to offend you.
I thank you for your mercy and also for answering my prayer that my son get the job that he interviewed for last week.
You are so good and you continue to pour out your blessings on me, even when I don't deserve them.
Amen. Alleluia.
This photo is of the river at Treasure Island.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Easter Joy

I am so blessed this day. I know Jesus loves me because yesterday morning I had what felt very much like a urinary tract infection.
It was agonizingly painful. I prayed, in the name of Jesus, that He would heal me. I am sure I asked Blessed Mother's help, too.
And I have been healed. Praise Jesus, God the Father and the Holy Spirit. And Mary, though whom my life is consecrated to God.
We were also very blessed to have our children here for the celebration of Christ's Resurrection.
Thank you, Lord, for saving us. I pray that you will continue to call my children home.
Thank you, Father, for all your blessings, especially the Gift of your Son.
Today's photo is of the Pascha (Easter) lily, long a symbol of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Holy Days

I love the Easter Triduum. It begins with Holy Thursday, when Christ initiated the Eucharist. Then continues with Good Friday, when the Lord is crucified. The Easter Vigil is the re-enactment of our entire faith. From the beginning of the Law introduced by Moses to its fulfillment in Christ.
And of course, Easter Sunday, the celebration of Christ's Resurrection.
Thank you, Lord, for these Holy Days.
Thank you, also for the gift of Divine Mercy. The novena began on Good Friday and will conclude on Divine Mercy Sunday.
Praise you, Lord and thank you.
The North Platte river at Treasure Island access is today's photo.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Holy Week

I started off Holy Week thinking it would be very sacred.
Then I had an ugly argument with a friend that left me feeling icky. I emailed her an apology.
I went to Confession and received absolution for my sins, and faults and failings.
Fr. Also advised me to not give up on my friend. I had been thinking that I should just quit the friendship because I have been hurt and hurt again. He reminded me of Peter and how Jesus didn't give up on him even though he was as  hurt by Peter as I have been by my friend.
Today when I read "God Calling" today's meditation was on "God is love."
So, I called my friend and apologized. I wished her safe travels on a short journey she is taking and told her I love her.
But, I find myself still holding back as far as committing to do anything with her, afraid that she will stand me up yet again.
I found it easier to send a letter and book anonymously to another woman who had posted on Facebook a diatribe against organized religion.
Anyway, I am trying to finish Holy Week in a spirit of humble love, obedience and worship of my God. I am hoping to get better at the "tough love" stuff when it's hard to love. I must remember how much God loved me, and try to emulate Him.
Today's photo is of the crown of thorns and the spikes.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Listen to the Lord

Oh, Lord!
I am so sorry for all my sins and failings. I spent your day, Palm Sunday,  watching television and eating sweets. Please forgive me and help me to finish Holy Week in a holy manner.

I don't know why I continue to ignore the inner urges I get from the Holy Spirit to pray or to turn off the television so that I might hear your sweet voice.

Forgive me, Blessed Mother, because you have agreed to identify with all that I am and I have embarrassed and disappointed you.

Lord, what shall I do today?
How shall I live this week?

Begin by writing what I speak to your heart. You dedicated your web page to me and have in the past shared with others the heart to heart conversations we have. Do so again, beginning today.
Also, when you hear me speaking in your heart, then stop to savor the glory and joy of it.
Listen to what I am telling you. You have become so used to hearing my voice that you forget it is the voice of your Lord and God.
It is not your inner self speaking, but I AM, your God and King.

Because of my great love for you, I have forgiven you for becoming used to the small still voice that is My Holy Spirit, living and loving in your heart.
But, you must start becoming more obedient and instantly responsive to this inner voice.  How shall I use you to accomplish my will if you consider it to be a suggestion and not a royal command?
I know you have a great love and belief in me. Put this love into action. You have become a slave to the addictions you tried to give up this Lent. I don't want you to be a slave to anyone or anything. I want you to live in the freedom that is promised to those who love me.
This is something I want you to live every day, not just during Lent.
So, let's begin again today. Begin with your morning devotions. Listen to my voice the rest if today and I will guide you, moment by  moment.
I love you, my Child. I do forgive you. Come, follow me and live life to the full.
Yesterday, we had snow, again.

Saturday, April 12, 2014


As I have failed to keep my vows, I have to hope that giving of myself in other ways may somehow make up for poor choices I have made. Undoubtedly, however, all that really makes up for my sins is the Body and Blood of Christ, sacrificed for me, that I might be made holy.
Does perseverance count if we keep persevering in the same faults and failings that cause us to fail our God?
I have so often thought it would be wonderful to be a saint, but I don't seem to have any of the qualities that make one holy.
Lord, please forgive me my faults, failings and sins and fill me with the grace I need to be who you want me to be.
Today's photo is of UW icon Pistol Pete.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Failure on all fronts

I have failed at all my Lenten sacrifices.
My own disobedience in choosing to watch television and consume sweets is of major disappointment to me.
I read where St. Augustine called such desires concupiescence. Doing what I don't want to do in spite of knowing that it is morally objectionable.
Maybe not in and of themselves, but morally objectionable for me. Because I intended to give them up and I didn't do what I vowed.
I also realized that because I have consecrated myself to Blessed Mother that I have sullied her with my miserableness and disobedience.
I must go to confession and try to break free of these ingrained addictions.
Oh, my Lord. Please forgive me and help me to be who you want me to be.
Also, please forgive me for the disrespect I have shown both you and your mother. And our Father and the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for the second, third and numerous other chances you have bestowed on me.
Today's photo is of the Holy Family. Statuary in our parish church.
I will try to finish out Holy Week in a manner worthy of You.

Tuesday, April 08, 2014

A short note

Today's posting is going to be short due to I've already been asleep on the couch in front of the tv.
You would think I would learn.
Apparently, I have more lessons to learn.
Today's photo is more deer.

Monday, April 07, 2014

Joys of Communion

A number of years ago, I thought I knew who was speaking to me in the depths of my heart, only it was not the Lord.
I mean, I knew that God was there and that the reason I could have these terrific "heart to heart" conversations with my friend was because of God living in my heart.
But it took me years to realize that it was actually God with whom I was speaking.
When I thought it was my friend, I was filled with an excitement that is beyond description. It seemed like such a wonderful gift that God had granted to the two of us. You would think that such a gift coming from God would also fill my heart with joy and wonder and it did.
Later, when the friendship between myself and another waned, it seemed to me that the gift of a heart to heart conversation did, too.
Yet, yesterday as I was preparing for Mass, I mentioned to the Lord that in years past, I had been filled with such joy at the thought of sharing Communion in Him with my friend. I used to try to work it out that we would receive Communion together, side by side.
It was something that would have filled me with joy. Yesterday, we did receive Communion side by side. Without any "working it out" on my part.
At the time, I didn't appreciate it because I had become lightheaded and was focused on staying upright. Yet, the Lord arranged such an event for me.
Perhaps as a reminder that such joy is possible again.
Thank you, Lord, for the gift of joy in the past and as a reminder that such joys are possible again.
Let me be ever more focused on You so that I shan't miss the opportunity to find You in my friends and the people of my faith community.
Today's photo is of some deer.

Sunday, April 06, 2014

Argument and debate

I told my cousin that I no longer want to debate or discuss issues on which we disagree.
We have had long running discussions on our beliefs over the course of the past few years.
At first, I thought she might be open to hearing about God and my beliefs. But she isn't and I grew tired of her endless tirades against my church and my God.
Her negative thoughts have worn me out. I love her and desire that her soul be saved, even if she doesn't.
But, I cannot continue to listen to her.
May God have mercy on me for failing to bring her around. May he have mercy on her and grant her salvation.
Today's photo is of ths Holy Family statuary in our church.

Saturday, April 05, 2014

Mama goose

Today's photo is of a nesting mama goose. She has built her nest in the middle of the river on a gravel bar island.
Whether her nest will survive until the goslings are born will be determined as each day passes. The place where she resides can and usually is underwater once the spring runoff starts.
Today she ran off another goose pair who happened to venture too close to her nest. The noise was fearsome as she defended her "turf."
Mother geese are incredible. There are many (former) eagle's nests that are now home to geese because the mama goose was able to run off the eagle inhabitants.
I imagine the eagle nest seems huge,  quite comfy and a safe haven in which to sit upon her brood of eggs.
Thank you, Lord, for the wonders of nature that I am blessed to  have surrounding me.

Friday, April 04, 2014

Warm potato mush

A couple of lingering thoughts from tonight's Stations of the Cross:
Falling flat on your face because instead of letting God help, we try to do it on our own.
The difference between pain and suffering. Suffering is uniquely human.
Embarrassed and a little angry about the soup offering Pat made. I don't know why she took it in so early, and left it on high. What we ended up with was warm potato mush, no soup, and the potatoes had cooked down so much there wasn't much left. Every body got a small spoonful.
The offering made me think of how my offerings must look to the Lord when done in haste or half-assed.
Actually, it's exactly how my own paltry offerings must appear to God when I don't want to spend the time to do the offering with my full heart and soul.
So, forgive me Lord, for not taking my own commitments to you more seriously and ending up with warm potato mush as the offering instead of clam chowder.
Please help me to remember this the next time I am tempted to skimp out on what should be the most generous and wonderful blessing I can give.
Forgive me for my judgement of another's offering and also for failing to offer you the best I can offer.
You are My Lord. Every thing I offer to you should be the best I have, not the left over moments of time I have remaining after having given the world it's coin.
Today's photo is the nails and cross. This banner is currently hanging on the altar at my church.

Thursday, April 03, 2014

Prayers and more prayers

I don't have anything to say today.
I pray still for the families of those lost yesterday and today.
You died, my Lord, that we might have life and have it to the full.
I pray for those who think they have no choice but to take life, their own or someone else's.
Have mercy on us, Lord. Have mercy.
Today's photo is of clouds and sky.

Wednesday, April 02, 2014

The Shooting

Today, while en route to Casper, our son called us to tell us he was ok after the shooting.
Chills ran up and down my spine.
Being on the road, we hadn't heard about the shooting. A soldier opened fire on fellow soldiers, killing three and wounding 14 before killing himself.
I think we are so blessed to have Jesus, Mary, angels and saints watching over us and taking care of our loved ones.
I pray for the victims of the shooter, the shooter and the families and friends of those affected.
Lord, please have mercy on all those affected by this tragedy.
Thank you so much for taking care of my son, even when I don't know he is in need of protection. You know and keep him safe and I love you for that.
Today's photo is what my yard looked like this morning.  Our April showers are white.

Tuesday, April 01, 2014


I seem to have hit a wall in regards to my Lenten observances.
When I so wanted  to offer a good and beautiful sacrifice to the Lord in praise and thanksgiving for His dying for me, I have botched the whole thing.
And then there is the consecration I made to Blessed Mother. It should be transforming my life and yet I feel that nothing has changed.
So, I am doing something wrong. Please help me, Lord, to know what I need to do to find favor with you once again.
My sweet child. Your heart is in the right place, even if you poorly execute your best intentions.  Do not think that my Son or I ever give up on you. We do not. You have much to learn about obedience and discipline.
Keep working on becoming more obedient and more disciplined as you thank and praise.
All will be well. Trust me and trust my Son. We both love you deeply snd tenderly. We desire that you should reach perfection.
Today's photo is of cloud cover on Kennaday Peak.