I am feeling such a wondrous sense of joy and for that I thank you My King. How wonderful you are to me.
I have been such a whiner lately and I am so sorry for that. Please forgive me and give me the grace to continue to pray for those with whom I find myself in conflict.
You are a wonderful and caring Lord and King and I owe my life and everything I have to you.
I thank you for all the many blessings you have poured out onto me. Help me to make the best of them.
Today's St. is St. Virgil of Salzburg--a Bishop there in the late 700's. He was an Irish immigrant to that area and was known for his help of the poor and also his educating of people. Thank you for giving us the angels and saints as friends for the journey.
As we head into this last week before Advent, Lord, what would you like me to give you? I have so stressed about gifts in the past and still do as you know by my current dilemma. But this Advent, I would like to focus more on you and what you would have me do?
Always in the past, I have failed to do what I felt you were calling me to do--just failed to do what I said I would and I beg your forgiveness for those failures. Please help me to honor my vow to do what I feel you want me, too.
What would you like as an Advent sacrifice this year, my Lord?
Hello my sweet child--
You are precious and lovely to me when you are joyous and thankful. I most of all want just that--a joyous and thankful heart and mind. You have been much blessed and I desire you to acknowledge those blessings. It so distresses me when you are unhappy and sad, even if you have cause to be. Try this year to find cause for thankfulness in every happening, no matter how painful or distressing it is to you. Immediately give me thanks and praise and see what happens. You will be delighted by the result of such a "sacrifice," if that is what it can be called. So often people want to hug their grievances close to their heart, nursing them and feeding them and keeping them alive. Thanks and praise for the difficult times is more of a cure than cuddling these painful moments in your heart and feeling sorry for yourself and anxious about things. So, that is the sacrifice I want from you this year, my child. Try to be thankful and praise me in all circumstances and events of your life. Rest in peace. Know that I love you and want the best for you.
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