How short life sometimes seems and how quickly it can all change. The sudden illness of a fellow parishoner this week has brought me to realize how very quickly we journey through this stage of our lives.
You would think that I would subsequently feel a strong desire to eliminate from my life the bad habits I have formed and focus more intensly on preparing for the next life, yet my life remains the same and I am stuck in the same old dreary habits that I so wish to escape.
I know that all I need to do is listen to that still small voice of the Lord telling me what to do and yet I find myself falling back into the same ugly habits.
I pray, dear Lord, for the fortitude and courage to change my life to something more acceptable to you, that I might truly do your will each day.
As I was praying this morning for my friend, I began by thinking it is indeed dire and that I must help prepare my friend's wife for his departure from this life, but then I was suddenly filled with a sense of wonder and hope as I realized that you have plans for this wonderful family.
I can't explain it other than to state most emphatically that I know you will cure him from this dreaded illness and that he will become a wonderful blessing to our parish and our community because of this healing.
Thank you so very much, Lord, for the miracle healing of my friend. Help me to know what to do now that I truly believe you will heal him.
Good Morning my sweet one--
Thank you for finally responding to my call and once again writing as I have asked you to do. I once again, though you have not asked, forgive you for the neglect of my commands. Please try to think of me not only as your friend, but also as your King and Lord. Although we are friends and I love our conversations as such, I also am your King and when I give a command to you, I expect it to be fulfilled.
You are right to think of last things and to begin preparing. You may not know the time or place when you will be called, but I want you to feel as if you have come to meet your Lord with lighted lamp and with oil to spare in case my coming is delayed. For so long now you have not realized that you may be called in the blink of an eye, or stricken as suddenly as your friend has been and then all the things you have been so busy planning will be left undone. I do not desire them to remain undone, but to be done that you might give Glory to your Lord and King. So go therefore into this day and make a card as you have felt called to do. Even though you have not completed the set up, the way still exists for you to do these tasks. So begin by selecting the pictures we wish to share...photos of our time spent together and I will guide you as to which ones to share with which people and also the words to use in each card.
My child, I love you mightily. Take this lesson to heart about the time being short with much work to be done. Know that I do have plans for your friend and his family and rest content that their lives are in my hands. Share this knowledge with them and rejoice for I am Lord and your friend.
Thank you my Lord and King. Thank you for the forgiveness of my failure to do your will. Help me to complete the tasks you have given me. I love you.
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