Today during Mass, I had the most wonderful experience of Your love, Lord. As you know, I have recently been suffering from conflicts I am experiencing with co-workers.
This past week was awful for me as I struggled with hurts and disappointments.
Before Mass today I was again stressing over--get this--a slight I think is going to happen!!! Not something that has happened but something that I think is going to happen. How pathetic is that??
Anyway, I felt called to dress up to attend Mass today and I am so glad I did. When I got there I was asked to help by being a Eucharisitic Minister. Even though I try to stay focused on You, I sometimes let my mind wander and it again wandered to this supposed slight that may happen. Even though I have been a loyal and true friend I am not going to be invited (or so I assume) to a birthday party for someone I have always considered important in my life. I was fretting over this and also listening to the homily on Christ the King when You, my Lord and King, gently let me know that You had selected me for the honor of serving You on this feast . It was an awesome moment for me.
It took the sting out of the rejection I feel over this, Lord and I thank you for the honor. You are so wonderful to me and I am humbled by this, but overjoyed as well. I may very well end up being rejected by people I care about, but You have honored me with Your love and it is amazing. Thank you my God and King.
After Mass, I went for a hike and took these amazing photos of Your creation, Lord. It is stunningly beautiful and You have allowed me to live in this wonderful area and experience such beauty. Thank you, my Lord and God. You are so good to me. How can I repay You for all Your favors and goodness to me?

My beautiful child-
I barely whispered to you that you had been chosen for the honor and you heard me. You are listening to me and that pleases me.
As we walked this day, you knew I was with you. This is the portion of my Kingdom I have chosen for you. This is the part of my Kingdom where I want and need you to be.
Yes, I must sometimes allow my children to suffer and be rejected--as was I. You will suffer rejection when you are not invited to this party. Be not angry or bitter about it for you are beautiful. Anger and bitterness tarnish that which I so love about you, your kind and sweet heart. The heart you have told me is my throne in your life. Rejoice when you suffer rejection in this life for it marks you as one of my own. My beautiful child, let my peace and love soothe away the pain of rejection. Do not be afraid and leave the justice to me. Do you trust me in this as in all things? Trust and be not afraid for I am Your King and I love and cherish you. Believe that and rejoice!
Yes, Lord, I do trust you and I do believe that all things work for good to those who love the Lord. Help me to be more disciplined in my writing, Lord and thank you for the blessing of Sheetal.
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