The cold of winter is upon us and with it comes bonechilling wind that cuts right through a person, exposing vunerabilities.
Thank you, Lord for the cold and the chill and I praise you for them as well. The responsorial today is from the book of Daniel, as well as the first reading. But it is the responsorial that speaks of praising God for all things.
Today, too, I received an email telling me to be thankful for the thorns in my life. I feel as if I have been all of the above recently. That my very soul has been exposed to the chill of winter's wind and that I have had thorns for which I have not been thankful. But, then I read of people's troubles and know that I have not had a difficult time in comparison to theirs and wonder why I am such a griper latey? Where has the joy in my life gone? I used to be joyful and thankful for all things but have not felt joy for a long time, it seems.
Still, I do recognize that I have much to be thankful for...even the bonechilling winds of winter and I thank you and praise you, Lord for all your blessings.
Today's Saint is St. Saturnius of Toulouse, a bishop around 250 who was martyred when he refused to sacrifice to the pagan gods. The pagans then had him tied to a bull who drug him to his death. His name is of Latin origin and means "melancholy of character." Earlier today when I first read about St. Saturnius, I did not realize how much the meaning of his name fits my mood lately. So I also ask for him to intercede for me that I might not be melancholy.
My Sweet Child--
Give me tonight all the failures of this day and let me relieve you of that burden. You know that you have not done all I command of you and all that you have been striving to do, yet I say to you, do not fear. Start again tomorrow. As you go to your rest this night, let go of all that burdens you and allow my sweet peace to sink deep into your soul, warming the winter chill that lurks there.
You are precious and beautiful to me. Never doubt this, but you must do more of what I command you. You have told me I am your King. Then do my bidding. Yes, we are friends, too, but I also am your Lord and Master. I forgive you of your failure to obey me. When you have learnt obedience more perfectly, you will be ready for the next task I have in mind for you. But you must learn perfect obedience to be ready for it. Will you accept this command and do as your Lord and King commands?
My Lord--
Yes, I will try to do better at obeying instantly when you command. Help me to hear you better so that I might do your will immediately. Thank you for your forgiveness and strengthen me with your love, wisdom and courage to do all you desire of me. I am yours.
You delight me child. Go in peace for I am with you and love you.