Saturday, February 04, 2012

Praying the Divine Mercy Chaplet

Peering through the window at the snow covered deck
I join with several others of my parish community to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet on the First Friday of the month. I'm sure they pray it by themselves in addition to us praying it together on the First Friday. I have good intentions of praying it daily, but sometimes get lost in the fog of busyness that I wander into. It is such a powerful weapon to use against the evils of our day and it takes such a short amount of time to pray it that I wonder why I don't make it more of a habit? It is nice to pray it with a group of friends, though, and committing to get together once a month seems like small sacrifice, especially in light of all that St. Faustina has done for us. We also discuss Sister Faustina's Diary and there is so much spiritual depth in that book that we do not advance much in our discussions of it, yet it seems like important progress is being made in our spiritual development.
Today, we discussed how we can ever make it to Heaven if even someone as obviously holy as Sister Faustina struggled.
Her struggles leave me feeling so unworthy and not humble as I read her thoughts and get a small glimpse of her generosity of spirit and love of the Lord. She suffers such agonies of the soul over things that I would not even think twice about. Nor, apparently did many of her sisters think twice about certain things, yet she suffered these agonies willingly for the redemption of souls and for love of Christ.
One of the things St. Faustina found necessary was a good spiritual director and I am feeling like I need one as well. I don't know how to go about getting one, though. One of the people at the prayer session today said she was assigned a spiritual director when she went to a Third Order Carmelite function.
Not being a Carmelite, however, I am at a loss and have decided to ask Blessed Mother to help me find the person who will be a good spiritual director for me.
I just realized that it was a year ago today that my mother suffered a massive heart attack and died unexpectedly. I miss her still and pray that she is in heaven, helping me to get there.
Thank you, Lord, for the blessings you have bestowed upon me this day. Forgive me for the neglects of the day and help me to do better tomorrow. I ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

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