Sunday, February 05, 2012

The Privilege of Discipleship

Muddy Creek Canyon from across the way
"But blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because they hear." -- Matthew 13:16
The Susan G. Komen Foundation, dedicated to breast cancer research and prevention, recently changed their policy so that the money they grant will go to actual providers of mammograms and not third party referral services, such as Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood also happens to be under investigation in a number of states and that also played into Komen's decision.
The response from Planned Parenthood and its supporters can best be described as rabidly Pavlovian, a response designed strictly to intimidate and frighten any of Planned Parenthood's other sponsors from also cutting funding to the organization, whose primary business is abortion. The hierarchy of the Planned Parenthood organization knows exactly what bells to ring to bring about the Pavlovian response desired...a besmirching of the Komen Foundation with baseless smears. It did have the desired effect, however, of increasing donations...far above what Komen actually grants to the organization, and that is what I believe the intent was all along. A cold and cynical decision by PP, in my mind.
That PP should use a policy decision made by Komen's board in the best interests of  women to raise funds by sounding false alarms, using fear and intimidation and other such tactics should, in itself, be ample justification for cutting ties with PP.
In pondering this, I come back once again to the thought that perhaps Christians truly do already live in the Kingdom, for we see things so differently from those who live in the world. That must be why there is such a dichotomy between God-fearing people and those to whom government or no one but themselves is "god."
It seems no matter what issue, there exists such a huge rift...a chasm of such depths that so often there is no "common ground." I have often wondered how those who differ in opinion from myself and other like minded people can not see the Truth. I have often tried to enlighten them, but they just do not see it. They see things from their worldview only and there is no bridging the chasm that separates their view from those of Christians and other God fearing people.
Is my view Truth? I always seek God's guidance when such issues come to the fore. Because I do not wish to mislead anyone,  I try to do much praying and reading to get the actual facts of the issues before me. I seek out the Truth taught by the Church which is the pillar of authority empowered by Christ to guide us in these matters.
It seems that the commonly held worldview by those who support abortion or the euphemistic phrase of "Women's Reproductive Health" is such that they just cannot conceive that any digression from their view can possibly be a good thing. Yet, God continues to guide me towards life and the sanctity of the unborn and I trust in Him.
So, do I continue to exhort and tell of what I believe to be God's view of things? Or do I leave them alone in the world, letting them be content to continue in the world?
Lord, give me your guidance and let me hear your words.

Ah, my sweet child, such things are hard for you and I do not intend them to be. I desire that all of my children be saved and that they choose to enter into the Kingdom prepared by My Father and redeemed by Me for those who love God. I told my followers that they must be "in the world, but not of the world," and you have come upon some inkling of what that means. Yes, there is a deep division. My children can see the world view that so misleads others who choose not to believe, but those who do not believe cannot see into the Kingdom. They are blind. I saw it while on earth and gave my Father thanks and praise for hiding the truth from the wise and the learned, but revealing it to the childlike. Belief is required to open the bridge the chasm. If they choose not to believe, they choose not to cross into the Kingdom of Delights that I have prepared for those who do believe and love. It is a free will choice and all need to have the opportunity to choose their path.
Do I want you to continue to tell of the Good News? Yes, I do, even if they appear not to hear. You may be surprised that your words do resound across the way and I have empowered those words to reach  souls whom I am seeking. Do not be afraid of the attacks that will come. Of course you will be attacked by evil, whose sole desire is to delude as many souls as possible. You will be protected, guided and guarded. Always seek my guidance and wisdom before your exhortations, however, never thinking that you possess the wisdom within yourself to do combat. Arm yourself with prayer, the Word of God and faith as a shield and then go forth into the day, combating the forces that seek to destroy souls. My child, I love you. Go in peace.

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