Wednesday, December 04, 2013

Giving Small Gifts

In a commentary on today's readings, the author, Steve Givens,  says a friend once told him that he has nothing good enough to give to God.
Givens goes on to note that many people often feel the same way, that their gifts are insignificant and small and so they hesitate to offer them to the Lord.
Indeed,  that very sentiment is how I have often felt. I guess I have been unsure of what my gifts are and whether or not I am being called to use them for God.
That's why I have been trying to determine what my apostolate is. Question two is "what is my skill set?"
So, I have spent a lot of time looking for my apostolate in things that others are good at or get complimented on. My own gifts seem inadequate, so I have been trying to co-opt the skills or talents of others. That is one reason why it has seemed so difficult. ..because the talent or skills I am trying to use aren't my own.
Givens says the Gospel reading today also says it doesn't matter how small the gift. What matters is that you offer it to God and then pass on what He does with your offering, as in today's passing on of the loaves and fishes.
Thank you, Lord, for the gifts you have given me. Help me to use them according to Your will and for your glory.

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