Tuesday, October 13, 2009

A Conduit for Power

Fall Foliage on one of my favorite Walks

I am not ashamed of the Gospel. It is the power of God. (Romans 1:16)

Good Morning my Lord--
I thank you so much for this day you have given me. Help me to know and do your will as I go through the day. I am so much in love with you, my Lord and God. You have given me the best gift of all--that of having my heart burn with love for you.
In meditating on today's scripture reading from Romans, I realize that you have called me to be a conduit of your power. It is much the same as an electrical wire bringing power into my home...merely some way for the power to be put to practical use. And that is what you have called me to be--a way for your power to be put to good and practical use.
Although, I must admit, you take a greater chance with me than with an electrical wire...I have the uncanny ability to mess up--not obey you right away or ignore you when you ask me to do something.
Forgive me for those times, my Lord. And thank you so much for this opportunity to put your power to good use. Let me take no pride in it..after all I am merely the conduit, not the power. But I do thrill at the thought of being such a conduit and working your will in my little corner of your world.
God, Almighty Father,
Today I ask that the current "health insurance reform" legislation making its way through our Congress be done in accordance with your will or not at all. Lord, it seems there are so many things wrong with these bills, including funding abortions and creating the opportunity for small minded bureaucrats to push senior citizens and others who may not be "perfect" into a choice of death. Therefore, dear God, in the name of Jesus Christ, your son and my savior, I ask that you stop this legislation if it does not follow your will or that it is properly amended to take out any portions that are offensive to you. Thank you, my God. Amen.
My sweet child--
You are learning to use the power of my name and I thank you for it. I know that you are fearful of asking too much or things that are too big. Fear not, you are being guided by my Spirit and you are listening to me as we begin each day. There is much to accomplish in this world and I need simple conduits for my power. Where they are is of no importance...only that they do what I ask. You are precious to me and I love you so much. There is nothing for you to fear...I will be with you in all things.

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