This photo was taken several years ago in May and the water in this creek was moving fast!! This year is shaping up to be a fast moving water year, too. We are having a very wet spring with rain and rain/snow and then more rain. We can always use the water in this arid part of the world, so we are not to complain about it but it does get to be a drag. I wonder if the flood waters are about to over take us. Thank you anyway Lord, for the gray days and rain.
I thank you so much for all the blessings you bestow on me daily. I thank you for giving me the words to address those people and concerns I feel compelled to write about. I thank you for giving me the Truth and for being able to share it with others.
Lord, I am so worried about the state of this world. The level of immorality continues to climb. Things that have been forbidden by you are now commonplace and we are expected to be "tolerant" of all things and viewpoints.
I have been reading much about the end of times and I believe it is almost upon us. We are to experience a warning, then chastisement--three days of darkness. At least those are the prophesies I have been reading and much death and destruction.
We are preparing for the worst and trust that you will guide us in our actions and deeds to do your will in this matter.
My dearest--
You must do as I command you. Please do not delay in getting those things done that I set upon your mind and heart. It is important that these things be caught up and you will thank me for this in the very near future. Do not be afraid...just go forth into each day and do as I command you. I will remind you of all you need to do on a daily basis, but you must strive to do those things and accomplish my will for you. I love you and the accomplishment of my will is something that will truly delight and inspire you. There is nothing to fear in doing my will. Know that I take very good care of my servants. Be at peace. I love you.
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