Friday, May 08, 2009

The good and kind among us

Random Thoughts
Several years ago I was walking in a favorite spot when I looked up and there was this young moose standing right on the pathway. I snapped a couple of photos but decided not to try to continue along the same path. I'm sure I would have come up short in any contest over who had the right of way on the path!
It is always delightful to see wildlife, though, and I truly am grateful and thankful that the Lord has put me where he has.
I sometimes wonder what my mission is but I delight in being able to take a walk and see a moose in the wild. How awesome is that?
On Tuesday, the funeral of a very kind and generous man was held here. The church was packed to overflowing and nearly everyone could tell a story of his generosity. He was a very wealthy person and could have chosen to live anywhere, but he chose to live here. I think it must have been for similar reasons as I am thankful to live here.
When I think of his honesty and goodness and then look around at all the corruption and greed in this country, particularly in our "leaders" I am appalled at such a disconnect. These people who we entrust to make decisions for all of us are corrupt and greedy and not the same type of people as my friend.
Things seem to be happening very quickly now as far as the end times signs go. With each passing news cycle, I am surprised that the warning sign doesn't appear in the sky tomorrow. I still have much to do to prepare, though, and will strive to do better.
Oh my Lord and my God--help me to prepare for what is coming and to not waver in doing your will. You are precious to me and I want to please you and do what you would have me do.
I know I say that and then don't do it. Please help me to overcome this fault and to be instantly obedient. I love you and delight in all your goodness and kindness. I thank you for people like Tom who are good and generous and I pray that he is in heaven with you and his loved ones.

My sweet one--You are forgiven for your failures of the past and for your failures of this day. Do not seek to carry them into the new day. You have given them to me and must now rest assured that you may go forth into the new day without the burdens of past sins and failings.

Continue to strive to do my will and to do the things you think I am calling you to do. If you think I am calling you, then I probably am. Once you give me your life, as you do daily, then do not doubt where the guidance comes. Know that I will guard you against anything not according to my will. Be at peace and try to do better tomorrow. Know that I love you.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Fast Moving Waters

Fast Moving Water
This photo was taken several years ago in May and the water in this creek was moving fast!! This year is shaping up to be a fast moving water year, too. We are having a very wet spring with rain and rain/snow and then more rain. We can always use the water in this arid part of the world, so we are not to complain about it but it does get to be a drag. I wonder if the flood waters are about to over take us. Thank you anyway Lord, for the gray days and rain.
I thank you so much for all the blessings you bestow on me daily. I thank you for giving me the words to address those people and concerns I feel compelled to write about. I thank you for giving me the Truth and for being able to share it with others.
Lord, I am so worried about the state of this world. The level of immorality continues to climb. Things that have been forbidden by you are now commonplace and we are expected to be "tolerant" of all things and viewpoints.
I have been reading much about the end of times and I believe it is almost upon us. We are to experience a warning, then chastisement--three days of darkness. At least those are the prophesies I have been reading and much death and destruction.
We are preparing for the worst and trust that you will guide us in our actions and deeds to do your will in this matter.
My dearest--
You must do as I command you. Please do not delay in getting those things done that I set upon your mind and heart. It is important that these things be caught up and you will thank me for this in the very near future. Do not be afraid...just go forth into each day and do as I command you. I will remind you of all you need to do on a daily basis, but you must strive to do those things and accomplish my will for you. I love you and the accomplishment of my will is something that will truly delight and inspire you. There is nothing to fear in doing my will. Know that I take very good care of my servants. Be at peace. I love you.

Friday, May 01, 2009

St. Joseph the Worker--May 1

Feast Day Thoughts

Today is the feast day of St. Joseph the Worker and as St. Joseph is one of my favorite Saints and patron of my diocese, I wish to offer some thoughts on this remarkable man.

Was Joseph young or was he old? From what I have read, there is no clear answer to this question. Early church writings seem to indicate that he was an elderly man who had been married prior to being betrothed to Mary and had children from his first marriage. These are the "brothers and sisters" referred to in Mark's Gospel, according to some. Others claim that Jesus' "brothers and sisters" were cousins.
Then later...around the 14th century, advocates of Joseph, husband of Mary, started to depict Joseph as a younger man.

Personally, I don't know if it matters to me.

What is important to me about St. Joseph is his loving care of Mary and Jesus. Not only did he buck the unspoken rule of the day regarding taking a pregnant woman as his wife (when he knew he was not the father of the child), he also adopted the child as his own and loved him dearly.
Of course, divine intervention did come into play and helped St. Joseph in his decision making. In a dream he was told not to fear taking the woman Mary as his wife and that the child would be the son of the Most High. He named the child as commanded by the angel giving him the dream--a matter of faith and obedience. Later, obeying another dream, he fled Herod's persecution with his wife and newborn into Egypt where they lived as, presumably, "illegal aliens" until Joseph had another dream and returned with his family to Nazareth when Herod had died.

So much of the young life of Jesus and also of Joseph is not recorded. Because there exists only the story about losing Jesus in the temple in Jerusalem when Jesus was 12, we can speculate that life was very ordinary for Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Joseph provided for his family as a carpenter, teaching Jesus his trade as was the custom. Whether the children listed in Mark were Joseph's from a previous marriage or his cousins, it seems clear that Jesus was surrounded by a large family. The Gospels do not mention Joseph again after the finding of Jesus in the temple at age 12 and it is presumed that he died before Jesus began his public ministry.

Joseph was chosen by God to be the foster father of God's son. What an honor! We often honor Mary--rightfully so--as being chosen by God but forget that Joseph was chosen, too. If you could not raise your only son, who would you choose to do it for you? I think it speaks highly of Joseph.

St. Joseph has always been a comfort to me and I often seek his friendship and guidance when in need.
I thank you, Abba, for choosing Joseph for Jesus and Mary and also for all of us.