Tuesday, November 29, 2016

First Tuesday, Advent 2016

Today has been one of those days when worldly things seem to get in the way of prayer, meditation, conversation with God.
Doctors visit, trip to visit mother-in-law, grocery shopping  dinner. The day just seemed to slip away without my prayer time.
And I  just lost interest in my routine of prayers, even though those prayers and the ritual of spending time with the Lord is what has kept me safe and sane all these many years.
I read a new prayer today called The Set Aside Prayer. It goes like this:
"God, please help me set aside everything I think I know about  myself, this padsage and you, so I may have a new experience of these things."
Amen. I need  to set all aside that God can teach me about  myself and Himself and what He wants from me.

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.

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