I have always loved this reading from the book of Matthew. It speaks so eloquently of the Father's generosity, I so often sit around, begging for crumbs, as if I am an orphan, and yet I am a daughter of the King.
Is it because I do not truly believe these wonderful words from Jesus' mouth? Or just that I lack sufficient faith to truly believe that God will give me all good things?
I do know better for I have often received such wonderful gifts and God truly takes care of me in all my needs and desires. But, it seems as if I forget it too often.
Lord, I pray for more faith. Increase my faith, that I might truly live my life according to the above scripture verse. Amen and I thank you and praise you for all the wonderful gifts you have given me, even if I sometimes forget that you have blessed me so abundantly.
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It has become a mechanism for allowing evil to insidiously infiltrate itself into my home and life, and still I do not shut it off. I have begun turning off the particularly vile programs, but it has become so invasive that even the commercials are a means of transporting evil into my home.
I do not watch it during the day and have started turning it to old programs in the evening after my husband has gone to bed. I can enjoy watching these programs without the benefit of commercials, but I still watch too many of these old programs.
Most importantly, I have been shown, that it is vital to my spiritual health that I do not fall asleep in front of the television while it silently delivers into my subconscious all kinds of evil.
A couple of nights ago, I was plagued by a series of ugly dreams. My husband often has nightmares, or so they seem because he is a person who talks in his sleep. Often his words are violent and distressing.
I have begun to wonder if the reason for his unrest is because I watch television while he is sleeping and so allow evil to enter his subconscious, even if the programs I am watching are not or do not seem to be particularly evil.
Is it the mechanism itself that allows evil to enter our home unimpeded?
It has opened my eyes to what I need to do while he is sleeping and that is to turn it off and do my reading and praying instead of watching even old programs.
I also have been shown that I need to use holy water and blessed salt to cleanse our bedroom from any lingering evil spirits that might be lurking around. So that is what I shall do.
The Lord has already asked me to give us my daily "news blog" readings for Lent. I think it is because I am so overloaded with views from a particular point of view that I am not open to new ideas or views He might be wanting to impart to me. So, am also cleansing myself of my "addiction" to reading news blogs.
I am still reading Catholic blogs and news sites, however, so I do get my "internet fix," at least for now. I thank you, Lord, that you do allow me some internet use. Please guide my choices and help me to firmly stick with my Lenten fast. It may be that I will not even desire to return to those sites once Lent has passed.
God is so good to me and has blessed me so abundantly. I am learning to praise Him in all things and so I hope that I will continue to grow spiritually as I continue this Lenten practice.
Praise you, my God and my King.
My Sweet One, I bless your efforts. Go in my peace, knowing that all is well. I love you.