Today is Ash Wednesday and it is a day devoted to fasting and abstinence from meat. The focus of my parish priest's homily was fasting and I realized that I do not know how to fast.
My country and my culture are so driven by instantaneous gratification that we have no real concept of fasting.
Many people in many countries practice fasting, as Father explained tonight. And coupled with prayer, it becomes a powerful tool for drawing nearer to You, my God and my Friend.
Even though traditional fasting is a fasting from food, Father laid out numerous other alternatives to fasting from food.
For many years I have tried to not watch television and have failed miserably. So when Father suggested fasting from television for one hour and spending that time in prayer or reading something of you, my heart leapt because I knew it was an answer to "how do I fast?"
I also know I need to give up sweets and to fast on each of the Wednesdays and Fridays of Lent. This time that I am spending with you now is something that I have tried to do for several years and it helps me to focus on you rather than on myself, so although it is not a fasting, it gives me courage to go on and I thank you for the grace to do so. I will also try to donate some food to the food bank each week.
I hope I am following your will for me, Lord, as I attempt this Lenten journey with you. We have journeyed together before during this season and for many of those journeys, I know I have disappointed you.
On one, however, I remember being filled with such joy on Easter after successfully completing my Lenten obligation to you. I wish to be filled again with such joy as was unimaginable to me prior to experiencing it. It was the words of the Psalm in today's Mass readings that filled me with joy because I recognized Your voice in them and knew those words were for me.
Please be with me as we take this journey, Lord, and please let me give to You what you require from me even as I ask you for much needed graces to complete the journey.
My Child--
It is so nice to hear from you again. It has been quite some time since you have taken the time to be with Me in this manner. I so delight in your obedience in coming to Me and listening to what I ask of you. I will give you all the graces you need to complete the journey. Indeed, those graces have always been given to you. You have not always used what has been given to you and have turned from Me then, in disappointment and guilt over your failures.
Do not fear and do not feel guilt. I have saved you from that burden and there is no need for you to pick it up again. It is your choice as to whether or not you will use the graces granted you for this journey. I hope you choose to use them so that we might share the journey. I so desire to share it with you and also to grant you the accompanying joy that will be yours upon completion of the journey. I delight to give you all good things. Be not afraid.
Go in peace. I love you.
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