Good Evening my Friend--
Thank you so very much for the gift of my dad being baptized in the Catholic Church on Aug. 20, 2006. I was so pleasantly surprised when he said he was thinking of it and thought that undergoing the lessons might change his mind, but he hung in there and was baptized, received the Sacrament of Confirmation and 1st Communion all in one magnificent ceremony. It was lovely and touching and I am so thankful to you for calling him and for Father Karl agreeing to baptize him.
I wish I knew how to combat my husband's addiction to alcohol. He is getting worse and worse and I don't know what to do about it, Lord. He drinks himself stupid nearly every night and last night met clients totally drunk and drove them home. I was so appalled by that that I met him and yelled at him and just allowed my anger at alcohol to overwhelm me and take it out on him. What do I do about this? I am afraid he may end up killing someone or in jail and I don't want that. I have tried to convince him of his need for professional help, but he scoffs at me. Lord, please help me.
JC--my sweet one. Please do not be afraid. Fear does no one any good. I know this is a most difficult time for you and you must keep the faith and be loving and joyous. Think how when you are angered by this that your sense of peace is lost. You must keep the sense of peace and calm to be effective as a prayer warrior. You battle the forces of the unseen and must remain calm and joyous and loving to do battle effectively for me and for your husband. He does not realize his soul is a battleground and he is in effect giving ground to the enemy by his choice to drink, but that is the best analogy I can give you. It's as if you are battling terrorists (alcoholic spirits) who want to claim him as their own (for ultimate destruction--suicidal behavior) and you must fight these terrorists with the weapons of the realm. My weapons are prayer, fasting, love and they are the weapons which will enable you to be victorious over this enemy. But you must not allow the covert agents of anger and fear to invade and ruin your battle plan. I love you, my child and want you to be victorious in this endeavor so that I can use you in fighting other battles of the unseen realm. But you must first fight this battle and learn to use my weapons effectively. Does this make sense to you?
Lord--yes it makes sense to me on one level, but on another I want to slug him for drinking himself stupid. Forgive me for those basest of instincts, but that is the way he makes me feel. He also seeks to blame me for not being the person he wants me to be, and I suppose I am not, but he doesn't have to ruin himself in order to abide me, does he? Am I really so horrid that he thinks, feels he must drink himself into oblivion to put up with me? Is this the price I am paying for my past sins and faults? What do I do?
Sweet one--it is propaganda of the evil spirits seeking to control him and damage you. You must not believe you are the cause of this behavior. Of course you have your faults and failings, but you are not responsible for his poor choices. He may be listening to the propaganda of the spirits who would destroy him to get to you. You are the one they are trying to ruin--make no mistake about that. If they can spoil your inner calm and rob you of your peace, they will have succeeded in this battle. You must not allow them to rob you of your most effective weapons--love, joy, laughter and peace. Those are the weapons that will defeat any enemy, but especially the ones using your husband as a battleground at this time. I am with you and for you, but you must pick up the weapons and do battle. You must pray and love and laugh and thus banish this enemy. Do not blame or hold responsible your husband. I will hold him responsible for whatever choices he makes against my will for you. Be obedient to my orders in this matter and it will bring you to where I would have you be. Make no mistake my child, this is but a testing time for the battles to come upon this age. You must prepare and do as I command you if you are to be victorious in other battles. You have an affinity for St. Frances, who also loves you. Join your prayers with his in this matter and begin now a novena for your husband. Sweet child--I love you and need you to fight this battle with the tools of my realm, my kingdom. That is how we will overcome the temptations and trials of this evil time.
My Friend--
Thank you as always for calming me and for speaking to my heart. I do not know why I so often neglect these times with you. I need you and I want to be head over heels in love with you that I may always do your will. Thank you for loving me.
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