Hello My Lord and King--
How I thank you and praise you for all the favors you have bestowed upon me. You are such an awesome God and I am so fortunate to have You in my life. I so often forget how many things you have granted to me in my life. You take such good care of me and I so often forget to thank you for your care of me, instead of focusing on what I believe (at the time) to be such grievances. Forgive me for all my sins and failures, my Lord.
Last night as I was laying in bed, in a near dreamlike state, I clearly heard you tell me that you would take care of me. I was thinking again of a way to change things in my life and was afraid to make a "leap of faith". You were somewhat hurt and wounded that I would doubt your care of me. I was led to know that you most definitely will care for me but also to know that you don't necessarily want me to "jump off a cliff" to prove to myself that you will catch me. I don't know how to explain it as it deserves, except to note that I felt much safer when and if I make a life changing decision. I feel I will be guided and protected by you and that you will care for me. I know this doesn't seem like such a noteworthy epiphany, but it was very REAL to me last night. Whereas before, it was what I thought but didn't really believe it with my whole heart and soul, I guess.
At any rate, I know I must focus on a few things that you want me to focus on and try to get those right with you. I do not fear the future and will go where you lead me, even if it is back to the same old thing and place. I sometimes do so want to go somewhere new and exciting and to work full time for you in some manner. I sometimes wish I could just leave the things which so often vex and trouble me and do something new. I have not yet been granted the special courage or Spirit filled inspiration such a move as that would require, though.
Hang in there with me, my Lord and King as I try to live the life you want me to live.
Sweet One--Know that I will always hang in there with you and YES!!! take care of you. If you decide to quit your job and do something else, I will care for you. That is what I was trying to communicate with you. You needn't feel married to your current job. I do have other things I want you to do and will provide you with what you need to accomplish those tasks. I know that you must have a sweet way to accomplish changing career at this time in your life, so I am working on a plan for that. Listen to me, spend time with me and follow my leading and guidance and know that ALL IS WELL for indeed, so it is.
Be at peace and know I love you.