Hello my Lord and my King,
Thank you so much for the blessings you have bestowed upon me and my family. I love all of them so much and I pray for their safekeeping and salvation.
Last week, I had deep suspicions that my former employer was unfairly advising me as to the status of a tire. I took it in for repairs and was told that it could not be repaired. For some reason, my inner self was telling me that was not the case and he was being revengeful for me quitting my job. I had the impression that he was sending darts at me, wishing me ill or at least trying to make a monetary profit from my misfortune. At that point, my first impulse was to ask you to send vengeance back upon him if that was the case and my thoughts were not good. But then you gave me the image of those very thoughts and darts, if you will, being thrown at you. I'm not sure if the darts I saw being thrown were the ones he was sending toward me or the ones I returned fire with. All I do know for certain is that very clearly I saw you step between us and gather me in your arms and turn your back towards the darts so that you were the one being stabbed in the back.
Lord, my God. I am so sorry if I caused you this pain and agony by my selfish thoughts and desires for vengeance. I am also sad and sorry if it is my boss sending me these hurtful thoughts. But I am also so very grateful that you have intervened in my life and protected me from this hurtful act. Thank you and help me to try to always think of any acts of mine as impacting you first and then the person to whom I am directing my thoughts.
As I was pondering this wonderful act of yours, I envisioned these hurtful darts as passing through your body and blood and coming out on the other side as beautiful roses, which I then presented to those who were throwing darts at me. Wow. Very powerful and thank you so much for that.
I also ask that you bless my friend whom I went to Mexico with. She and her husband are angry with us for whatever they think they are owed, even though they sent us a bill for additional expenses after they told us not to worry about them. We paid it and my conscience is very clear. She hasn't responded to my emails lately, however, so I'll leave it at that. I wish to also give them roses instead of darts, so please help me with that, my Lord.
Sweet One--
I am delighted to have been able to stop the darts of poisonous revenge from passing into your sweet body and soul. I love you and will always protect you from such evil. Do not fear to love even more generously those from whom the darts come, friends and foes alike. Always try to focus on the rose emerging from my body and blood as a gift to you when these hurtful moments happen. They will happen and I need you at that time to stay focused on me wrapping my arms around you in loving protection and changing the hurt into a gift. You are precious to me. This is a growing time for you. Try, really try to do what I have asked of you each day and then come to me each evening and we will review what has happened. I love these moments with you and want you to live life and live it to the fullest. Rejoice, my daughter. Again, I say it--rejoice for all is well. I love you sweet child. Go in peace.