I had been having such a terrible time at work. I was feeling so much the outcast and in fact had written to my boss before I went on vacation and asked him to think about my employment and whether or not he wanted me there anymore. It was just me feeling so sorry for myself and while I was on vacation I was still chewing on the bone of my dissatisfaction.
I asked you for help, my Lord and my God and the image that came immediately to mind was awesome. I was walking on the beach and pondering all that I had asked my boss to consider and feeling so sad about the possibility of moving on to something else...about the possibility of my worst fears being true and them wanting me gone....
My mind and heart were churning so much over the whole affair and I didn't know what to do or what was going to happen.
You came to me then or rather revealed yourself to me. Closing my eyes, I saw myself as a small child running to you for protection and safety and justice. And you opened wide your arms and enveloped me in such peace and security that I didn't want the moment to end. I kept my eyes shut reveling in your love for me and it was one of the most wonderful moments I can recently recall of absolutely knowing your love. Because I knew absolutely and without a doubt that you were indeed wrapping your arms about me and that you would deal with what was troubling me. I did in fact picture us walking off together to deal with the situation...me as a small child and you holding my hand, warding off all the troubles that I was so afraid of.
Thank you, my Lord and my God for your constant protection of me and for your everlasting love of me. I will strive to share it with the rest of your children that they might rejoice as I rejoice in your love.
My sweet one--
I love you. Know this. Live this. Joy in this. I will go with you wherever you go. Delight in this truth. I am with you always. Be at peace, child, for all is well.