Monday, April 17, 2017

Easter Joy

"My brothers, one can confidently say to you about the patriarch David that he died and was buried, and his tomb is in our midst to this day." ~ Acts 2:29

It is precisely because there is no tomb for least no tomb with bones...that I find makes a compelling argument for the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

We know of His temporary resting place but there is no body, no bones, and there hasn't been since three days after His death.

Moreover, He was seen by eyewitnesses. Lots of eyewitnesses. Alive and glorified. Alleluia!

Experiencing the sweetness of the fully alive and resurrected Christ in my life; meeting Jesus in the Eucharist; meeting Jesus in others; seeing Him and experiencing the sweetness of His love for me is something I want my children and grandchildren to know and cherish.
It is true love and it is "the hidden pearl" of great and stupendous value.

Oh my Jesus. Thank you so much for revealing Yourself to me in many varied and wonderful ways.
Thank you for this Easter joy.

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