Thursday, April 17, 2014

Holy Week

I started off Holy Week thinking it would be very sacred.
Then I had an ugly argument with a friend that left me feeling icky. I emailed her an apology.
I went to Confession and received absolution for my sins, and faults and failings.
Fr. Also advised me to not give up on my friend. I had been thinking that I should just quit the friendship because I have been hurt and hurt again. He reminded me of Peter and how Jesus didn't give up on him even though he was as  hurt by Peter as I have been by my friend.
Today when I read "God Calling" today's meditation was on "God is love."
So, I called my friend and apologized. I wished her safe travels on a short journey she is taking and told her I love her.
But, I find myself still holding back as far as committing to do anything with her, afraid that she will stand me up yet again.
I found it easier to send a letter and book anonymously to another woman who had posted on Facebook a diatribe against organized religion.
Anyway, I am trying to finish Holy Week in a spirit of humble love, obedience and worship of my God. I am hoping to get better at the "tough love" stuff when it's hard to love. I must remember how much God loved me, and try to emulate Him.
Today's photo is of the crown of thorns and the spikes.

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